is not sensible [10:10 g/dL, maintenance dose is 250 300 units/kg (50 60 mcg/kg); if hemoglobin is 8 10 g/dL, maintenance dose is 125 200 units/kg (25 40 mcg/kg). 1 (See Hemolysis under Cautions.) Adults Suppression of Rh Isoimmunization Related to Rh-incompatible Pregnancy Routine Antepartum Prophylaxis For routine prophylaxis in an unsensitized Rh o (D)-negative woman, administer recommended dose of Rh o (D) IG at approximately 28 weeks of gestation; give a second dose after delivery if neonate is Rh o (D)-positive. 1 14 16 25 31 If delivery does not occur within 12 weeks after the standard antepartum dose, a second antepartum dose has been recommended to maintain adequate levels of passively acquired anti-Rh o (D). 16 31 If Rh o (D) IG is administered early in pregnancy for any reason, give additional antepartum doses at 12-week intervals to maintain adequate levels of anti-Rh o (D) throughout the pregnancy. 1 14 16 IM HyperRHO S/D Full Dose, RhoGAM : 1500 units (300 mcg) at about 26 28 weeks of gestation. 14 16 WinRho SDF, Rhophylac : 1500 units (300 mcg) at about 28 30 weeks of gestation. 1 25 IV WinRho SDF, Rhophylac : 1500 units (300 mcg) at about 28 30 weeks of gestation. 1 25 Postpartum Prophylaxis Administer recommended dose to unsensitized Rh o (D)-negative woman as soon as possible (within 72 hours) after delivery of an Rh o (D)-positive infant. 1 14 16 25 31 Administer even if Rh o (D) status of infant is not known at 72 hours. 1 May be less effective if administered >72 hours after delivery; 14 16 31 if >72 hours have elapsed, administer Rh o (D) IG as soon as possible, up to 28 days after delivery. 1 31 Withhold postpartum dose if an antepartum dose was administered in the preceding 3 weeks, provided a large fetal-maternal hemorrhage has not occurred. 14 16 31 The usual postpartum dosage must be increased whenever a large fetal-maternal hemorrhage occurs during delivery. 1 14 16 25 (See Excessive Fetal-Maternal Hemorrhage under Dosage and Administration.) IM HyperRHO S/D Full Dose, RhoGAM , Rhophylac : 1500 units (300 mcg) after delivery. 14 16 25 WinRho SDF: 600 units (120 mcg) after delivery. 1 IV Rhophylac : 1500 units (300 mcg) after delivery. 25 WinRho SDF: 600 units (120 mcg) after delivery. 1 Termination of Pregnancy Administer recommended dose to unsensitized Rh o (D)-negative woman within 72 hours after termination of pregnancy. 1 14 15 16 25 The usual dosage administered following termination of pregnancy must be increased if a large fetal-maternal hemorrhage has occurred. 14 16 25 (See Excessive Fetal-Maternal Hemorrhage under Dosage and Administration.) IM HyperRHO S/D Mini-Dose, MICRhoGAM : 250 units (50 mcg) as soon as possible after a spontaneous or induced abortion occurring up to and including 12 weeks of gestation. 15 16 May use full-dose preparations if minidose preparations not available. 14 16 HyperRHO S/D Full Dose, RhoGAM : 1500 units (300 mcg) after a spontaneous or induced abortion occurring beyond 12 weeks of gestation. 14 16 Rhophylac : 1500 units (300 mcg) after a spontaneous or induced abortion. 25 WinRho SDF: 600 units (120 mcg) after abortion. 1 IV Rhophylac : 1500 units (300 mcg) after a spontaneous or induced abortion. 25 WinRho SDF: 600 units (120 mcg) after abortion. 1 Other Obstetric Procedures or Complications During Pregnancy Administer recommended dose to unsensitized Rh o (D)-negative woman within 72 hours after the obstetric complication or procedure. 1 14 16 25 The usual dosage administered following an obstetric procedure or complication must be increased if a large fetal-maternal hemorrhage has occurred. 14 16 25 (See Excessive Fetal-Maternal Hemorrhage under Dosage and Administration.) If the complication or procedure occurs early in the pregnancy (before 26 28 weeks of gestation), administer additional antepartum doses (e.g., at 12-week intervals) to maintain adequate level of passively acquired anti-Rh o (D) throughout the pregnancy. 1 14 16 Also administer a full postpartum dose of Rh o (D) IG to the mother if the infant is Rh o (D)-positive. 14 16 If delivery occurs within 3 weeks after an antepartum dose, postpartum dose may be withheld unless a large fetal-maternal hemorrhage has occurred. 14 16 IM HyperRHO S/D Full Dose: 1500 units (300 mcg) after threatened abortion at any stage of gestation, amniocentesis, or abdominal trauma. 14 RhoGAM : 1500 units (300 mcg) after threatened abortion beyond 12 weeks of gestation, amniocentesis, percutaneous umbilical blood sampling, chorionic villus sampling, abdominal trauma, or obstetric manipulation. 16 MICRhoGAM : 250 units (50 mcg) after threatened abortion occurring at or before 12 weeks of gestation. 16 May use full-dose preparation if minidose preparation not available. 16 Rhophylac : 1500 units (300 mcg) after obstetric complications (e.g., threatened abortion, ectopic pregnancy or hydatidiform mole, transplacental hemorrhage resulting from antepartum hemorrhage), invasive procedures during pregnancy (e.g., amniocentesis, chorionic biopsy), obstetric manipulative procedures (e.g., external version), or abdominal trauma during pregnancy. 25 WinRho SDF: 1500 units (300 mcg) immediately after threatened abortion at any stage of gestation; 1500 units (300 mcg) immediately after amniocentesis or chorionic villus sampling in a pregnancy up to 34 weeks of gestation; 600 units (120 mcg) within 72 hours of amniocentesis or other obstetrical manipulation in a pregnancy beyond 34 weeks of gestation. 1 IV Rhophylac : 1500 units (300 mcg) after obstetric complications (e.g., threatened abortion, ectopic pregnancy or hydatidiform mole, transplacental hemorrhage resulting from antepartum hemorrhage), invasive procedures during pregnancy (e.g., amniocentesis, chorionic biopsy), obstetric manipulative procedures (e.g., external version), or abdominal trauma during pregnancy. 25 WinRho SDF: 1500 units (300 mcg) immediately after threatened abortion at any stage of gestation; 1500 units (300 mcg) immediately after amniocentesis or chorionic villus sampling in a pregnancy up to 34 weeks of gestation; 600 units (120 mcg) within 72 hours of amniocentesis or other obstetrical manipulation in a pregnancy beyond 34 weeks of gestation. 1 Excessive Fetal-Maternal Hemorrhage The usual dosage of Rh o (D) IG administered postpartum, after termination of pregnancy, or after other obstetric procedures or complications must be increased if a large fetal-maternal hemorrhage occurs. 1 14 16 25 If a large fetal-maternal hemorrhage (>30 mL of whole blood or 15 mL of packed RBCs) is suspected, use an approved laboratory procedure to estimate the number of fetal Rh o (D)-positive RBCs in the maternal circulation and to calculate the RBC volume of the hemorrhage. 14 16 Administer entire dose within 72 hours of the event. 1 14 16 25 IM HyperRHO S/D Full Dose: If a large fetal-maternal hemorrhage (>15 mL RBCs) occurs, determine the number of prefilled syringes (each syringe contains 1500 units [300 mcg]) needed by dividing the RBC volume of the hemorrhage by 15 mL; if the calculated dose results in a fraction of a prefilled syringe, administer the next whole number of syringes. 14 Administer multiple doses at the same time (at different sites) or at spaced intervals, provided the entire dose is administered within 72 hours. 14 RhoGAM : Multiple doses required if a large fetal-maternal hemorrhage (>15 mL RBCs) occurs. 16 Consider administering more than 100 units (20 mcg) of RhoGAM per 1 mL of Rh o (D)-positive RBCs whenever such hemorrhage is suspected or documented. 16 Administer multiple doses at the same time (at different sites) or at spaced intervals, provided the entire dose is administered within 72 hours. 16 Rhophylac : If a large fetal-maternal hemorrhage (>15 mL RBCs) occurs or is suspected, administer usual 1500-unit (300-mcg) dose plus an additional 100 units (20 mcg) per mL of fetal RBCs in excess of 15 mL if bleeding is quantified or an additional 1500 units (300 mcg) if excess bleeding cannot be quantified. 25 Administer large doses (>5 mL [3750 units or 750 mcg]) as divided doses at different sites. 25 WinRho SDF: Following massive fetal hemorrhage, administer 60 units (12 mcg) per mL of Rh o (D)-positive blood or 120 units (24 mcg) per mL of Rh o (D)-positive RBCs. 1 Administer 6000 units (1200 mcg) every 12 hours until total dose given. 1 IV Rhophylac : If a large fetal-maternal hemorrhage (>15 mL RBCs) occurs or is suspected, administer usual 1500-unit (300-mcg) dose plus an additional 100 units (20 mcg) per mL of fetal RBCs in excess of 15 mL if bleeding is quantified or an additional 1500 units (300 mcg) if excess bleeding cannot be quantified. 25 WinRho SDF: Following massive fetal hemorrhage, administer 45 units (9 mcg) per mL of Rh o (D)-positive blood or 90 units (18 mcg) per mL of Rh o (D)-positive RBCs. 1 Administer 3000 units (600 mcg) every 8 hours until total dose given. 1 Suppression of Rh Isoimmunization Following Transfusion of Rh-incompatible Blood or Blood Products Dosage depends on volume of Rh o (D)-positive blood or Rh o (D)-positive packed RBCs transfused. 1 14 16 25 Calculate the volume of RBCs transfused by multiplying the volume of Rh o (D)-positive whole blood administered by the hematocrit of the donor. 14 Administer entire dose within 72 hours of exposure. 1 14 16 25 IM HyperRHO S/D Full Dose: Determine the number of prefilled syringes (each syringe contains 1500 units [300 mcg]) needed by dividing the RBC volume transfused by 15 mL; if the calculated dose results in a fraction of a prefilled syringe, administer the next whole number of syringes. 14 If multiple syringes are required, the total dose may be given at the same time (at different sites) or at spaced intervals, provided entire dose is administered within 72 hours of exposure. 14 MICRhoGAM : 250 units (50 mcg) following exposure to]} FEATURED: CAR-T Cell Therapy Overview Mechanism of Action KTE-C19 Studies KTE-C19 Cancer Targets Adverse Events Manufacturing Drug Status Rx Availability Prescription only C Pregnancy Category Risk cannot be ruled out N/A CSA Schedule Not a controlled drug Drug Class Immune globulins Related Drugs Idiopathic Thrombocytopenic Purpura prednisone , triamcinolone , dexamethasone , Decadron , Deltasone , cortisone , Promacta , Kenalog-40 , Gammagard , RhoGAM , Gamunex , More... Rh-Isoimmunization RhoGAM , MICRhoGAM , Rhophylac , WinRho SDF , More... Rho (d) immune globulin Rating 3 User Reviews 5.2 /10 3 User Reviews 5.2 Rate it!} } appearance
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