wind up Trying to lose weight? Skip your spin class By Dr. Sarika Arora, MD 9/28/2017 I m dieting and exercising, but I can t lose weight I hear this frustration from women every day, and I ve lived it. Extra disappointing is how fat accumulates around the midsection exactly where we don t want it and where it s the most dangerous place to store it! I used to think exercising more was the answer. As a result, I d attend an extra spin class or force myself to jog instead of enjoying a walk. I felt guilty for gaining the weight in the first place, and then I d do everything possible to burn every calorie I could. But the real problem wasn t my lack of commitment to exercise. It was my overstressed, overtaxed lifestyle. I wasn t taking enough time to take adequate care of myself. If this sounds familiar, you re discovering how adrenal fatigue and prolonged stress contribute to weight gain. Why adrenal imbalance makes us fat Your adrenal glands are responsible for stress management. When they become overworked, our body makes every effort to protect them. And part of that protection is holding on to extra fat whether we want it to or not. Here s what happens: 1. Your body wants fat for energy. During stressful times, your body uses fat stores to keep the adrenals functioning. If you re dealing with prolonged stress, your body responds by holding on to fat. Your adrenals are always on the alert to ramp up and respond to life s stressors. 2. Your body uses fat for protection. The body also tries to protect the adrenal glands by literally putting up a physical barrier to protect them. This is why we tend to store fat around the midsection, where the adrenals are located. When your body fights your weight loss efforts, what can you do? The solution is not your typical go-to diet and exercise plan. Excessive exercise = more stress to the body Despite the many benefits of cardio exercise, there s a big potential downside for your adrenals. Intense or frequent exercise (like the kind you do in daily spin class) can tax the adrenals even more and lead to stubborn weight gain. If you think you have an adrenal issue, consult with a functional medicine practitioner to evaluate your hormone profile. Based on your results, you and your doctor can best customize your fitness plan. In the meantime, you don t have to quit exercising completely but you d probably benefit from modifying your approach. Try lower intensity exercises if you re feeling exhausted. Great examples of adrenal-friendly exercises are: yoga, Pilates, walking, tai chi and gentle swimming in the pool. As a general rule of thumb, your heart rate should go no higher than 100 beats per minute during exercise. Check in with your body by noticing how you feel afterwards. Exercise should energize you and enhance your mental capacity. If you feel excessively tired or notice brain fog setting in, then you ve likely done too much. When you re ready for a more intense workout, you can add bursting to your cardio routine. To burst, increase your speed to double your normal pace for 30 60 seconds, then return to your original pace for a few minutes, and then burst again. This builds stamina and can enhance fat burning. It s is also very effective if you re short on time. Once your body experiences a reduction in stress, it will have the reserves to help you lose weight. The article How stress keeps you from losing weight will give you more ideas on how to fight stubborn adrenal weight the right way. temper
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