future years Help your body naturally detoxify better every day You don t need a cleanse, a fast or a purge to detoxify your body, even though the popularity of all three has taken off like wildfire. That s because your body already has a very efficient and effective detox system to deal with the toxins and poisons you inhale, ingest or touch every day. The real key is to find ways to support and encourage your body to detox consistently. First, try to eat foods that are naturally detoxifying, and there are plenty to choose from. Ironically some of the smelliest foods are the best for detox because they contain good amounts of sulfur. Sulfur is one of the main compounds your body uses to detox, and it does other important jobs too. Everyday foods with plenty of sulfur include: Onions Garlic Eggs Cabbage Brussels sprouts Cottage cheese (yay!) Second, get a little exercise as often as you can without overdoing it. We used to think it was just the sweat that made exercise so good for detoxifying poisons but we now know that movement itself jogging, riding a bike, etc. stimulates your muscles to make a powerful enzyme that can help remove poisons from your body. Exercise also moves waste and toxins out of your body through your blood and your lymph system. Third, drink enough water to flush your kidneys regularly during the day but not so much that you upset the electrolytes in your blood. Our expert, Dr. Sharon Stills, NMD, says a good guide is to drink about half your weight in ounces of water per day. So if you weigh 150 pounds, drink 75 ounces of water, give or take an ounce. Sure, the exotic cleanse rituals floating around the internet may seem necessary, and they certainly promise the moon when it comes to benefits. But many of these can be uncomfortable and unpleasant, and some are downright dangerous. But most important, they re totally unnecessary. There are some great supplements to help your body do its detoxing jobs, mostly by supporting your liver and digestion. Milk thistle (silymarin) and magnesium citrate are two inexpensive products that we like. Another great tip for good detox include getting enough sleep every night so your body has a chance to repair itself and get rid of built-up waste products. Read more about detoxification here and here . * Information presented here is not intended to cure, diagnose, prevent or treat any health concerns or condition, nor is it to serve as a substitute professional medical care. searching for
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