really fizzling out August 11, 2013 Debbie Plotnick, Mental Health America s Senior Director of State Policy, will speak at Bryn Mawr College s Graduate School of Social Work and Social Research Panel on the Affordable Care Act on Saturday, November 16, from 2:00 5:00 pm. Other panelists are: Michael Campbell, JD, Director, Villanova University Law School Health Clinic, and Koyuki Yip, of the Public Policy Department of the Maternity Care Coalition. Moderator of the panel is Darlyne Bailey, Dean of Bryn Mawr s Graduate School of Social Work and Social Research. Location: Bryn Mawr College - Wyndham, Ely Room Registration is required. Registration Fee: $5.00; CEU Fee: $20.00 Contact: Nancy Kirby, 610-520-2608, nkirby@brynmawr.edu Tags: Advocacy for lavatory
taillights Debbie Plotnick, MHA's Senior Director on State Policy, on Panel on ACA at Bryn Mawr despite the fact that