fantastic Home Getting Pregnant Preparing for Pregnancy Basic Pregnancy Preparation Okay Body - Are You Ready For Pregnancy? Did you know that by the time you've missed your first period you are already two weeks pregnant? It's best to start preparing and planning for your pregnancy before you have missed your period to help get a good start on things. Time to Leave Birth Control Behind If you've been using barrier methods of contraception , such as condoms or a diaphragm, your normal fertility has been working all along. However, if you've been using oral contraception you will need to stop taking it. Check with your doctor as to the recommendations for how long a period of cessation is recommended before conception and follow that advice. If you've got an IUD, it will have to be removed and provided it is safely removed with no complications, your fertility should resume without problem. Contraceptive injections may delay a return to fertility after you've stopped them and it could take up to a year before normal fertility resumes. Conception Normally, couples who have regular sex without the use of contraception will conceive within a year. If, after a year's time you have not conceived there could be a problem and you should speak with your medical provider. Otherwise, having sex every two or three days is often the best way to conceive. Trying to time intercourse with ovulation can put both you and your partner under stress. It's best to just relax and let yourselves enjoy one another. Healthy Pregnancy Weight Maintaining a healthy weight and staying fit are good ways to be prepared as well. Women who are underweight can have a very difficult time conceiving, especially if they are dealing with amenorrhea, skipped periods due to low body weight. Women who are obese have difficulties as well. So, by arriving at a healthy weight and taking care of your body, you help to ensure you will have a healthy pregnancy, avoiding some of the challenges faced by women who are either over or underweight. Dieting to lose weight when you're pregnant is not safe for either you or your baby. Healthy Conception Diet A good diet and healthy lifestyle are essential factors in a healthy pregnancy. By eating a healthy diet before pregnancy, you ensure your body has adequate stores of vitamins and minerals. Iron rich foods help to guard against anemia. It's best to take a multi-vitamin and get started on folic acid to help build up stores in your body. Folic acid is vital in the protection of your baby against neural tube defects, such as spina bifida. There are also foods which are not good to eat when you are pre-pregnant as they may make you ill or possibly harm the baby if you do become pregnant. Avoid foods which contain mold bacteria such as blue cheese and soft cheeses. Too much Vitamin A present in liver and fish oils can be a problem as well. By paying close attention to what you eat and staying at a healthy weight, you are preparing efficiently for your pregnancy. Login to comment Log in or sign up Forgot Password? Username: Password: CANCEL (0 Comments) Login to add a comment Post a comment You must be logged in to comment. amazing
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