nonetheless Home Getting Pregnant Preparing for Pregnancy Body Awareness Your Body Knows Taking Care of Yourself Women who take good care of their bodies are usually aware of the situations and potential problems inherent in them which could create problems in conception. The more you understand about your body, the farther ahead you are. Have a Physical Exam It is important to take stock of your physical condition before you try to become pregnant in order to know if there are any existing medical conditions that might affect your ability to conceive or have a healthy pregnancy. A thorough examination reveals the health of your reproductive organs and breasts as well as your fertility status. Such things as genetics, lifestyle and medical history all play into the ability to become pregnant as well, so be sure to get an accurate assessment of your health. Be open and honest, providing as much information as possible to your care-provider knowing that the information is important and will help identify any problematic issues as well as help in addressing them. Difficulties in Conceiving Sometimes, in spite of taking excellent care of your health and body, it is difficult to conceive. There can be any number of reasons for this. However, unless a couple has been trying actively to conceive for a year without success, they are not considered infertile. If, after a year you do not become pregnant then consultation with your medical practioner is advised. Difficulties in conceiving may be due to stress, timing, age, reduced vaginal lubrication or more complicated issues like female or male infertility . By having a pre-pregnancy checkup, you can identify which, if any, of these areas are creating the problem. There Is A Right Time Timing is very important to conception. Knowing when you ovulate enables you and your partner to have intercourse at the right time for conception. Once you know you're ovulating, you have a two or three day window of opportunity to conceive. Sperm can live up to 72 hours in a woman's reproductive system so conception can happen even if you didn't have sex a day or two after ovulation. How Do I Know When I'm Ovulating? There are a few methods of discovering when ovulation is occurring and your egg is ready for fertilization. Some women feel a mild cramping, called mittleschmertz, which usually happens around midway between their periods. Tracking the basal body temperature by taking your temperature before getting out of bed every day and watching for a sudden rise in temperature is another method. Some women monitor their vaginal cervical mucus which changes from light and clear to a consistency similar to egg whites when ovulation occurs. When the mucus stretches as far as you can spread your fingers, then ovulation is near or happening. Then, there are always ovulation predictor kits that measure the amount of LH, luteinizing hormone, in your urine. Just before ovulation, the levels rise dramatically signaling that it's time. By knowing your ovulation patterns and taking care to prepare a healthy body for pregnancy, fertility care be much easier. Login to comment Log in or sign up Forgot Password? Username: Password: CANCEL (1 Comments) Login to add a comment Post a comment You must be logged in to comment. MOM2521 So me and boyfriend was having sex last night and after we was done I was bleeding. But during intercorse it felt deeper than normal, what can this mean?? Mom2521 1 year ago it's also
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