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devoted Home Postpartum Breastfeeding All About Colostrum All About Colostrum What is Colostrum? During the first couple of days after birth, you will produce breast milk known as colostrum. At about the third or fourth day, you will produce mature milk. Colostrum is laden with nutrients that provide important health benefits for your baby. It is so nutritious that some mothers even buy mammal colostrum to feed their children during the spring, when mammals calve. Health Benefits of Colostrum Colostrum is high in antibodies that help keep your child healthy. Colostrum is also high in carbohydrates and protein while being low in fat. It's easily digested by your child and places little strain on the gastrointestinal tract. It also coats your baby's intestinal tract, preventing him or her from become sensitive to foods that you may eat. Colostrum is rich in leukocytes, white cells that fight against viruses and bacteria that cause disease. During your pregnancy, your baby received the antibody immunoglobulin B (IgB) through your placenta. Colostrum provides him with another antibody, immunoglobulin A (IgA). This works as a safe and effective vaccine. It protects the intestines, throat and lungs from infection. While mature milk doesn't carry as many nutrients, your baby will drink it in bigger quantities. Remember, you only have a few days of colostrum production, so be sure to capitalize and latch your baby on soon after birth. Need to chat about breastfeeding ? Talk with other women about it in the forum Login to comment Log in or sign up Forgot Password? Username: Password: CANCEL (0 Comments) Login to add a comment Post a comment You must be logged in to comment. wonderful

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