premier Home Getting Pregnant Preconception Care Get Pregnant With PCOS PCOS: How You Can Still Get Pregnant Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome (PCOS) is one of the leading causes of infertility in women, however it also very treatable! In fact, there are many ways that a woman can still get pregnant despite PCOS. What Is PCOS? Infertility can be defined as the failure to get pregnant after one year of unprotected intercourse. Several factors can contribute to infertility, among them: ovarian disorders (disturbances in the production and release of eggs), a male factor (related to sperm quality or function), pelvic factors, cervical factors, or unexplained infertility. Most women with PCOS are infertile because they don't ovulate. The good news is that there are many steps you can take to optimize your chances of becoming pregnant even if you have PCOS. Ways to Become Pregnant Despite PCOS 1. Drugs to Induce Ovulation Often, the use of drugs to induce ovulation is the first mode of treatment for women with PCOS. One of the most common drugs that has been shown to be effective is Clomiphene citrate, better known by its brand names " Clomid" or "Serophene ." 2. Medical Interventions to Help You Get Pregnant In Vitro Fertilization (IVF): During IVF eggs are removed from the woman's body and fertilized with her partner's sperm in the laboratory. Subsequently, the fertilized egg is implanted back into the womb. Intrauterine Insemination (IUI): If your doctor determines that you are ovulating correctly, he or she might order intrauterine inseminations (IUI). In this medical procedure, sperm is placed directly into the uterus. In IUI a larger number of sperm are placed into the uterus than would normally result from intercourse, increasing the odds of fertility (especially if low sperm count is a factor in the couple's difficulty to get pregnant). This will make it easier for your partner's sperm to reach your egg and increase your chance of conception. 3. Other Ways to Enhance a Woman's Chances of Getting Pregnant 1. Educate yourself! Purchase on ovulation kit, which can help you determine your body's natural ovulation cycle. In order to treat PCOS, you want to know as much about your natural cycle as you can. 2. Hormone therapy can help a woman produce more eggs. This method of intervention is very successful in women with PCOS, although it can lead to twins or multiples. 3. Use your Body Basal Temperature to help you time intercourse correctly. A woman's body temperature can help her determine if and when she is ovulating each month. Charting your BBT daily helps gauge where you are in your menstrual cycle and hence the optimum time for intercourse and conception. 4. Maintain Good Health! Most women with PCOS notice an increase in fertility as a result of a healthy diet and exercise regiment, as well as reducing caffeine and nicotine, and moderate weight loss. 5. Natural Therapies are known for helping to improve fertility. For example, the herbal medicine called "chasteberry" is used to normalize menstrual cycles. There are licensed naturopaths you can turn to for advice on natural therapies that will reduce factors related to PCOS and infertility. Login to comment Log in or sign up Forgot Password? Username: Password: CANCEL (0 Comments) Login to add a comment Post a comment You must be logged in to comment. make the leap
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