slugging away Complete the following to get an instant assessment on the likelihood that you or a loved one is displaying signs of bipolar disorder. All results are completely private and confidential. At times I am MUCH more talkative or speak MUCH faster than usual. Not at all Just a little Somewhat Moderately Quite a lot Very much There have been times when I was MUCH more active or did MANY more things than usual. Not at all Just a little Somewhat Moderately Quite a lot Very much I get into moods where I feel VERY speeded up or irritable. Not at all Just a little Somewhat Moderately Quite a lot Very much There have been times when I have felt both high (elated) and low (depressed) AT THE SAME TIME. Not at all Just a little Somewhat Moderately Quite a lot Very much At times I have been MUCH more interested in sex than usual. Not at all Just a little Somewhat Moderately Quite a lot Very much My self-confidence ranges from GREAT self-doubt to EQUALLY GREAT overconfidence. Not at all Just a little Somewhat Moderately Quite a lot Very much There have been GREAT variations in the quantity or quality of my work. Not at all Just a little Somewhat Moderately Quite a lot Very much FOR NO OBVIOUS REASON I sometimes have been VERY angry or hostile. Not at all Just a little Somewhat Moderately Quite a lot Very much Sometimes I am mentally dull and at other times I think VERY creatively. Not at all Just a little Somewhat Moderately Quite a lot Very much At times I am GREATLY interested in being with people and at other times I just want to be left alone with my thoughts. Not at all Just a little Somewhat Moderately Quite a lot Very much At some times I have GREAT optimism and at other times EQUALLY GREAT pessimism. Not at all Just a little Somewhat Moderately Quite a lot Very much Some of the time I show MUCH tearfulness and crying and at other times I laugh and joke EXCESSIVELY. Not at all Just a little Somewhat Moderately Quite a lot Very much Please enter the text above to prove you are a human. Be sure to click 'Next' to see your results . Enter your email below to receive the free Psycom mental health eNewsletter. ( Trust us it doesn't suck and we will not bombard your inbox) Email This test is based on the bipolar screening questionnaire created by Dr. Ivan Goldberg . If you think you may be suffering from Bipolar Disorder or any other mental health condition, PsyCom strongly recommends that you seek help from a doctor in order to receive a proper diagnosis and support. Last Updated: Nov 28, 2017 contemporary
frolicked Bipolar Disorder Test is definite