a fire patients in the low-dose Taxol arm experienced more arthralgia/myalgia of any grade and more severe neutropenia. The incidence of febrile neutropenia was not reported in this study. Kaposi s Sarcoma The following table shows the frequency of important adverse events in the 85 patients with KS treated with 2 different single-agent Taxol (paclitaxel) regimens. TABLE 16 a Based on worst course analysis. b Taxol dose in mg/m 2 /infusion duration in hours. c All patients received premedication. Severe events are defined as at least Grade III toxicity. FREQUENCY a OF IMPORTANT ADVERSE EVENTS IN THE AIDS-RELATED KAPOSI S SARCOMA STUDIES Percent of Patients Study CA139-174 Taxol 135/3 b q 3 wk (n=29) Study CA139-281 Taxol 100/3 b q 2 wk (n=56) Bone Marrow Neutropenia> <2000/mm 3 100 95> <500/mm 3 76 35 Thrombocytopenia> <100 differ in size
reasonably priced ptoms 85 87 81 Severe symptoms 27 29 22 Mucositis Any symptoms 18 28 16 Severe symptoms 1 4 2 Neuromotor Toxicity Any symptoms 37 47 44 Severe symptoms 6 12 7 Neurosensory Toxicity Any symptoms 48 61 25 Severe symptoms 13 28 e 8 Cardiovascular Events Any symptoms 33 39 24 Severe symptoms 13 12 8 Toxicity was generally more severe in the high-dose Taxol treatment arm (T250/c75) than in the low-dose Taxol arm (T135/c75). Compared to the cisplatin/etoposide arm is known