so that it will [5:< 5 years: IM: 0.5 mL per dose administered at 2, 4, 6 and 15-18 months of age (total of 4 doses). The first dose may be administered as early as 6 weeks of age. Following completion of the 4-dose series, children should receive a dose of DTaP vaccine at 4 to 6 years of age (Daptacel recommended due to same pertussis antigen used in both products). Note: Per the ACIP, polio vaccine is given at 2, 4, and 6 to 18 months of age. Use of the minimum age and minimum intervals during the first 6 months of life should only be done when the vaccine recipient is at risk for imminent exposure to circulating poliovirus (shorter intervals and earlier start dates may lead to lower seroconversion (CDC 58[30] 2009). Pentacel is not indicated for the polio booster dose given at 4 to 6 years of age; Kinrix or IPV should be used. Use in infants and children previously vaccinated with one or more component, and who are also scheduled to receive all vaccine components: Previously vaccinated with 1 dose of Daptacel or IPV vaccines: Pentacel may be used to complete the first 4 doses of the DTaP or IPV series in children scheduled to receive the other components in the vaccine. Previously vaccinated with 1 dose of Haemophilus b Conjugate vaccine: Pentacel may be used to complete the series in children scheduled to receive the other components in the vaccine; however, if different brands of Haemophilus b Conjugate vaccine are administered to complete the series, 3 primary immunizing doses are needed, followed by a booster dose. Note: Completion of 3 doses of Pentacel provides primary immunization against diphtheria, tetanus, H. influenzae type B, and poliomyelitis. Completion of the 4-dose series with Pentacel provides primary immunization against pertussis. It also provides a booster vaccination against diphtheria, tetanus, H. influenzae type B, and poliomyelitis. Dosing: Renal Impairment There are no dosage adjustments provided in the manufacturer's labeling. Dosing: Hepatic Impairment There are no dosage adjustments provided in the manufacturer's labeling. Reconstitution Pentacel is supplied in two vials, one containing DTaP-IPV liquid and one containing Hib powder, which must be mixed together before administering. Gently shake vial containing DTaP-IPV component. Withdraw liquid contents and inject into vial containing Hib powder; gently swirl until a cloudy, uniform suspension results. Infanrix-IPV/Hib [Canadian product] is supplied as a vial or a prefilled syringe containing DTaP-IPV liquid and a vial of Hib powder, which must be mixed together before administering. Gently shake the vial or prefilled syringe containing DTaP-IPV component. Withdraw liquid contents (if using vial) and inject into vial containing Hib powder; shake well until a cloudy, uniform suspension results. Administration For IM administration only. Do not administer IV or SubQ. Administer in the anterolateral aspect of thigh in children] Drug Status Rx Availability Prescription only C Pregnancy Category Risk cannot be ruled out N/A CSA Schedule Not a controlled drug Diphtheria toxoid / haemophilus b conjugate (prp-t) vaccine / pertussis, acellular / poliovirus vaccine, inactivated / tetanus toxoid Rating No Reviews - Be the first! No Reviews - Be the first! Not Rated - Be the first! Drug Class Vaccine combinations Related Drugs vaccine combinations Boostrix (Tdap) , Twinrix , Adacel (Tdap) , Pediarix , Tenivac (Td) Diphtheria Prophylaxis Boostrix (Tdap) , Adacel (Tdap) , Pediarix , Tenivac (Td) , Decavac (Td) , More... Haemophilus influenzae Prophylaxis rifampin , Rifadin , Pediarix , Pentacel , ActHIB , Hiberix , More... Poliomyelitis Prophylaxis Pediarix , Pentacel , poliovirus vaccine, inactivated , Kinrix , Quadracel , Ipol , More... 2 more conditions... weak point
Best Products Diphtheria and Tetanus Toxoids, Acellular Pertussis, Poliovirus and Haemophilus b Conjugate Vaccine inability