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tycoon Home Getting Pregnant Preconception Care Caffeine Addiction The Effects Of Caffeine On Conception Do you hear the sound of your coffee pot calling your name in the early hours of the morning? Can't resist the cold, fizzy swallow of that afternoon cola? Need the jolt of caffeine to keep you going through the day? The Clear And Not-So-Clear Facts On Caffeine If you're trying to conceive , you might want to take another look at your caffeine habit. While there isn't a lot of hard and fast research on the subject, one study has shown that even one cup of coffee a day was enough caffeine to slow down conception. Other studies have indicated that caffeine does interfere with the ability of the egg to implant in the uterus and when caffeine is combined with alcohol and smoking , there is a significant decrease in fertility. However, even though the studies are somewhat unclear in terms of infertility, one thing is proven for certain, caffeine causes problems once you are pregnant. Even small doses of the drug (yes, caffeine is a drug) can put an unborn baby at risk and recent studies have placed caffeine on the "cause of miscarriage" list. The Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology has reported that women who drink more than 200 milligrams of caffeine per day, that's about two cups of coffee, doubled their risk for miscarriage over those who drank none. That's very significant. Caffeine, Present In Many Foods And Drinks We all tend to think of caffeine and coffee together, but caffeine is present in many more foods and drinks than just coffee. Tea, soft drinks and chocolate all contain caffeine. Coffee-flavored products such as ice cream and yogurt, chocolate syrup and cocoa all contain caffeine as well. Amounts vary according to the product and manufacturer. Some pain relief medications and cold/flu remedies contain caffeine as so some herbal medicines such as guarana. The Effects Of Caffeine On The Body Caffeine is a stimulant and the most common response to it is increased alertness. It increases blood pressure and heart rate and it also increases urine production. Caffeine is a diuretic which means it draws water from the body and causes increased elimination. Some people are more sensitive to caffeine than others and the sensitivity may manifest as jitters, indigestion or disturbed sleeping patterns. During pregnancy, caffeine crosses the placenta and reaches the baby. Since it may decrease blood flow to the placenta, the baby is put at risk. Prepare For Pregnancy-Kick Caffeine It just makes good sense to evaluate caffeine consumption, especially before conception. If you've been drinking large amounts of caffeine regularly, then addiction is likely. That sounds pretty strong, but it is true. Caffeine is addictive and can be a difficult habit to break. When caffeine is stopped suddenly, often headaches and tiredness are immediate repercussions. If you are planning to become pregnant, reducing the amount of caffeine you drink daily is an important step to both conception and pregnancy health , not to mention the health and well-being of the baby. Before long you will be able to go without that jolt in the day. Both you and your baby-to-be will benefit. Login to comment Log in or sign up Forgot Password? Username: Password: CANCEL (0 Comments) Login to add a comment Post a comment You must be logged in to comment. additionally it is

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