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Photo :User Reviews for Ranitidine

capability User Reviews for Ranitidine Also known as: Acid Control 150, Acid Control 75, Acid Reducer, Acid Reducer Non-Prescription Strength, Acid Relief, Berkley and Jensen Acid Reducer Maximum Strength, Careone Acid Reducer, Deprizine, Equaline Heartburn Relief, Sunmark Acid Reducer Maximum Strength, Taladine, Zantac, Zantac 150, Zantac 150 EFFERdose, Zantac 25 mg EFFERdose, Zantac 300, Zantac 300 GELdose, Zantac 75, Zantac EFFERdose, Zantac GELdose, Zantac Injection show all brand names The following information is NOT intended to endorse drugs or recommend therapy. While these reviews might be helpful, they are not a substitute for the expertise, skill, knowledge and judgement of healthcare practitioners in patient care. Learn more about Ranitidine . Filter by: --- all conditions --- Cutaneous Mastocytosis (0) Duodenal Ulcer (2) Duodenal Ulcer Prophylaxis (0) Eczema (2) Erosive Esophagitis (3) Gastric Ulcer Maintenance Treatment (4) Gastrointestinal Hemorrhage (0) GERD (63) Indigestion (12) Pathological Hypersecretory Conditions (1) Stomach Ulcer (5) Stress Ulcer Prophylaxis (1) Surgical Prophylaxis (0) Urticaria (0) Zollinger-Ellison Syndrome (0) Condition Avg. Ratings Reviews Compare Duodenal Ulcer 8.5 2 reviews 136 medications Gastric Ulcer Maintenance Treatment 8.4 4 reviews 15 medications Erosive Esophagitis 8.0 3 reviews 108 medications Pathological Hypersecretory Conditions 8.0 1 review 27 medications GERD 7.9 63 reviews 221 medications Indigestion 7.2 12 reviews 254 medications Stomach Ulcer 7.0 5 reviews 106 medications Eczema 6.5 2 reviews 239 medications Stress Ulcer Prophylaxis 1.0 1 review 28 medications Summary of Ranitidine reviews 7.0 93 reviews Reviews for Ranitidine Sort by: Most Recent Most Helpful Highest Rating Lowest Rating Member Rank Time on Medication Zantac 150 (ranitidine) for GERD: "Ever since I put on weight, I ve been experiencing occasional reflux (about once a week). I never knew how painful reflux could be. Another symptom I ve been having is regurgitation and belching. At times, I ll wake up coughing because I m choking on regurgitate. It s scary and leaves my esophagus and throat burning. ZANTAC is my go-to. It works every time. Tonight I had reflux and I felt it dissipate within 5 minutes of taking the Zantac tablet. The pain was completely gone in 10 minutes. I ve also started sleeping with my head up about 30 degrees and that helps too." 10 AbiRN December 4, 2017 0 users found this comment helpful. Did you? Yes No Report inappropriate Zantac (ranitidine) for Erosive Esophagitis: "Have severe acid reflux. I take 300 mgs right be fore bed and it works wonders. I have been using Zantac for years! I wouldn't leave the house without it! It's my miracle drug!! " 10 Sarena828 (taken for 10 years or more) November 23, 2017 0 users found this comment helpful. Did you? Yes No Report inappropriate For GERD: "I have had severe pain in my ears and behind left eye for 10 + yrs now. I've seen my family Dr and 2 ear specialists. Nothing can be explained or found wrong. In 2016, I was diagnosed with GERD. The med made me sicker. Then was told to rake ranitidine. At first it was hard , one pill every 12 hrs. So careful of food intake day and night. Then after 6 months of ranitidine , I noticed I haven't had any ear pain or eye pain. I now take ranitidine about every 18 hrs and notice the ear and eye pain creeping up. Though ranitidine does help immensely, it's the ear pain or lack of that ranitidine has cured. Who knew ****" 8.0 katlady333 October 16, 2017 3 users found this comment helpful. Did you? Yes No Report inappropriate Zantac 150 (ranitidine) for GERD: "I love this medicine" 10 ROB G (taken for 1 to 6 months) October 9, 2017 0 users found this comment helpful. Did you? Yes No Report inappropriate Zantac 150 (ranitidine) for GERD: "Stopped Nexium and Dr prescribed 150 mg generic Zantac (Ranitidine) twice daily. About 14 hours from the first dose the GERD was back in full force. At 3AM I resorted to 20 mg of Nexium and another 20 mg an hour later. Worst night in many years. Not sure if it takes time for this medicine to build up in my system but I can't suffer from GERD and it did not work the first day." 2.0 Slocum C October 8, 2017 3 users found this comment helpful. Did you? Yes No Report inappropriate For GERD: "I am a renal patient so PPI are no good for me, I take 150 Zantac daily and it does NOTHING for my GERD, I'm at a loss I'm told I have to just "deal" with it." 2.0 Anonymous June 28, 2017 6 users found this comment helpful. Did you? Yes No Report inappropriate Zantac 150 (ranitidine) for GERD: "I had already been prescribed Protonix 40 mgs twice a day from my regular doctor, and when I went to my GI gastroparesis motility specialist, he found that I needed another GERD medicine as well so he prescribed me 150 mgs of Zantac to take at night before bed. It was controlled well, I thought, with the Protonix, but it's gotten even better with the Zantac. I hardly ever have food creep back up now and I don't burp nearly as much as I used to." 9.0 Gastroparesis Girl (taken for 6 months to 1 year) May 20, 2017 16 users found this comment helpful. Did you? Yes No Report inappropriate For Stress Ulcer Prophylaxis: "This Ranitidine did not help duodenal ulcer, my acid reflux, my acid nothing I am now using a medication called sucralfate and it's working like a dream! ps. I have Chronic pancreatitis... what enzymes? I have to take Pancrealipase to digest." 1.0 Steph6355 May 12, 2017 2 users found this comment helpful. Did you? Yes No Report inappropriate Zantac 150 (ranitidine) for GERD: "My acid reflux has been so bad that I thought it was bile reflux. My mouth was sour all the time; my stomach was bloated all the time; I just felt sick. I tried half a dozen different things including Gasx, prilosec, gaviscon and others. None of them helped. I tried Zantac three days ago and have been taking two a day ever since and my symptoms are gone. Alka Seltzer gives me some immediate relief and I've been taking Alka Seltzer all my adult life, but Zantac just clears up the whole sour mess that has made my life miserable." 9.0 marasaud May 7, 2017 21 users found this comment helpful. Did you? Yes No Report inappropriate Zantac (ranitidine) for GERD: "22 yr old with horrible and frightening nocturnal panic attacks 2-3 hrs after falling asleep every night. Waking up in a confused state with vivid images making no sense, yet feeling a need to act on them before realizing the situation wasn't real. Researched on my own and discovered a definite correlation between ranitidine and panic attacks. Stopped taking Zantac 3 weeks ago and have not experienced a panic attack since. Feel like I was reborn. Ridiculous drug with far too many untold or unknown side effects. Stay away from this. After asking different psychiatrists, only half knew Zantac can cause or worsen panic/anxiety." 1.0 Genna W (taken for 1 to 6 months) May 3, 2017 22 users found this comment helpful. Did you? Yes No Report inappropriate Zantac 150 (ranitidine) for GERD: "***ZANTAC CAUSES PANIC ATTACKS*** I was prescribed Zantac regularly (1-2x daily) for acid reflux. I developed notably worsened anxiety and nocturnal panic attacks where I would wake up almost every night 2-3 hours after falling asleep with episodes of vivid nonsensical dream-like episodes lasting 2-3 hours. I would have a hard time figuring out simple things like how to open my door or plug in my phone charger to call home. I would keep parents on the phone for 2-3 hours asking them to come get me for no reason even when I had work the next morning. I was constantly confused and dizzy even during the day and it began significantly affecting my work performance. I did research on my own and found out Zantac can cause all the above. I contacted my psychiatrist, who did not know I was on Zantac and they told me Zantac can do this and has had several patients experience this. Since I stopped taking Zantac I have slept full nights with no episodes & minimal to no anxiety. I have never had any experience like this prior to being on Zantac. I would NEVER recommend anyone take Zantac." 1.0 AntiZantac May 2, 2017 16 users found this comment helpful. Did you? Yes No Report inappropriate Zantac 150 (ranitidine) for GERD: "Horrible side effects. My mouth and tongue swelled up. Difficulty swallowing which is why the doctor prescribed it for me in the first place. He said it was a symptom of "silent" acid reflux. Found a rash on my leg. Heart palpitations and massive stomach aches. Didn't do a thing for reflux or the belching and burping it was suppose to cure." 1.0 Firebird7478 (taken for less than 1 month) March 21, 2017 15 users found this comment helpful. Did you? Yes No Report inappropriate Zantac 300 (ranitidine) for GERD: "I'm moving away from Nexium to Zantac to combat my GERD and acid reflux. So far, one month taking, I have not had any reflux or heartburn. I'm in the process of modifying my diet to reduce stomach acids as well. I am apprehensive about Nexium side effects over long term use that's why I'm using Zantac 300 at bedtime." 9.0 Marla55 (taken for 1 to 6 months) February 24, 2017 21 users found this comment helpful. Did you? Yes No Report inappropriate For GERD: "I was on this for about a month first few weeks were great it was like I'd got my life back but sadly short lived as after those weeks the acid started flaring again and by forth week very intense acid reflux that for two days I could hardly slept, as I was up both nights belching and got little sleep and kept waking up. I've decided to come off it see my doctor on Friday for alternatives or tests as can no longer cope" 5.0 Kayak7878u8 January 26, 2017 12 users found this comment helpful. Did you? Yes No Report inappropriate For GERD: "After spending my whole life with GERD and suffering from it in ways I hadn't even noticed at the time, this drug was amazing. The only annoying part was that I could feel it, almost like a blockage in the base of my throat when I took it, but that was a small price to pay for the ability to eat/drink whatever I wanted and not have to chew on Tums later. I think it had actually been prescribed for GERD-related bronchial spasms (though I'm not positive), and those went away as well. I was completely ecstatic while I was using this, though!" 9.0 RGRL (taken for 1 to 6 months) January 4, 2017 15 users found this comment helpful. Did you? Yes No Report inappropriate For Indigestion: "A 150mg tablet twice daily does a very effective job of calming down stomach acid and acid reflux." 8.0 Cleetus Farragamo December 17, 2016 8 users found this comment helpful. Did you? Yes No Report inappropriate For GERD: "best drug ever, I had a horrible pepper/spicy curry with burning sensation, trouble breathing, bad discomfort like I was in septic shock or something chest pains, spasms in the throat, within two days of taking 300mg of ranitidine per day it has got me back on my feet! I was on 60mg lansoprazole per day a month prior to this with not much of an effect I do take both together so it could be the both meds!" 10 kwd897 November 26, 2016 9 users found this comment helpful. Did you? Yes No Report inappropriate For Indigestion: "Gas, bloating, nausea, spitting up froth, feeling of tightness in the chest, extreme debilitating pain in waves in left shoulder radiating into left shoulder blade, pain in lower back, chills, runny nose" 3.0 Crooked Creek gypsy lady (taken for 1 to 6 months) September 7, 2016 4 users found this comment helpful. Did you? Yes No Report inappropriate For Stomach Ulcer: "Currently having side effect of painful cramps down both arms. Creating painful hands that spasm." 8.0 mrs moo (taken for 1 to 6 months) August 21, 2016 2 users found this comment helpful. Did you? Yes No Report inappropriate Zantac 150 (ranitidine) for GERD: "Has crazy heart burn and other stomach issues I started to take zantac 150 mg twice per day it really help alot but at times I eat some crap and get crazy reflux but the meds work well" Reemi August 19, 2016 39 users found this comment helpful. Did you? Yes No Report inappropriate For GERD: "zantac worked somewhat with my chronic reflux, but what really worked was the 30 lb weight loss and the omision of pop. also, i decreased my coffeee intake by half and I have one tbl of baking soda in a glass of water every morning to raise the ph in my stomach. its not good to rely on acid reducers and proton pump inhibitors as over time you become deficient in many vitamins. they stop an enzyme in your stomach needed to absorb b12 from food as an example, and over time you will become enemic. this happened to me afters years of taking protonix and not knowing why I was tired all the time. Finally I had a naturopathic dr have blood work done and found this out. took 6 weeks of b12 injections to get back to normal, and lost 30lbs" 7.0 ezcure August 7, 2016 35 users found this comment helpful. Did you? Yes No Report inappropriate For GERD: "I have had terrible visits in the ER rooms for breathing and stomach trouble. They Protonix and Pepcid;neither of which worked at all. I was just miserable. Finally -- I decided on my own to try Zantac because I thought the packaging looked cool. LOL. (That's me -- always into the boxes!) and WOW what a difference. The last week I have actually been able to lie down and sleep at night without feeling restrictive air flow problems or feel unable to lie flat. I actually enjoy my life now. Very happy to have found this medication." 9.0 Thank you Zantac (taken for less than 1 month) July 12, 2016 24 users found this comment helpful. Did you? Yes No Report inappropriate Zantac 150 (ranitidine) for GERD: "I was unable to sleep and was relieved to find I had some Zantac. After an hour symptoms had absolutely no change and I felt like I was just swollowing more glass." 1.0 Trevsuther (taken for less than 1 month) July 12, 2016 13 users found this comment helpful. Did you? Yes No Report inappropriate For GERD: "Works well, but still get a little GERD" 8.0 stormy699 (taken for 1 to 2 years) July 1, 2016 17 users found this comment helpful. Did you? Yes No Report inappropriate Zantac (ranitidine) for Erosive Esophagitis: "When I tell you that this little pill or ivy /Zantac liquid works WONDERS !!!! ive had/have the worst nauseous feeling bad diarrhea for the last five days as soon as I took this pill it jus sat there burning the food holding it down ahh man I'm so happy now relief of pain but also with a better diet it's way better" 10 Janay s.norris May 26, 2016 15 users found this comment helpful. Did you? Yes No Report inappropriate Page 1 2 3 4 Next Learn more about Micromedex Care Notes Acute Rash Itchy Skin Urticaria Symptoms and treatments Hives (Urticaria) More about ranitidine Side Effects During Pregnancy or Breastfeeding Dosage Information Drug Images Drug Interactions Compare Alternatives Support Group Pricing & Coupons En Español 95 Reviews Add your own review/rating Drug class: H2 antagonists Consumer resources Ranitidine Ranitidine Injection Ranitidine Suspension Ranitidine Tablets and Capsules Ranitidine Syrup Other brands: Zantac , Zantac 150 , Zantac 75 , Zantac 300 , ... +2 more Professional resources Ranitidine Hydrochloride (AHFS Monograph) ... +6 more Related treatment guides GERD Gastric Ulcer Maintenance Treatment Duodenal Ulcer Pathological Hypersecretory Conditions ... +11 more} Drug Status Rx OTC Availability Rx and/or OTC B Pregnancy Category No proven risk in humans N/A CSA Schedule Not a controlled drug Approval History Drug history at FDA Manufacturers Amneal Pharmaceuticals LLC Dr. Reddy's Laboratories, Inc. Lannett Company, Inc. Mylan Pharmaceuticals Inc. Sandoz Inc. Wockhardt USA LLC Zydus Pharmaceuticals (USA) Inc. Heritage Pharmaceuticals Inc. Sun Pharmaceutical Industries Inc. Glenmark Pharmaceuticals Inc., USA Nostrum Laboratories, Inc. AvKare, Inc. More... Drug Class H2 antagonists Related Drugs GERD omeprazole , pantoprazole , famotidine , Nexium , Prilosec , Protonix , More... Erosive Esophagitis omeprazole , pantoprazole , famotidine , Nexium , Prilosec , Protonix , More... Duodenal Ulcer omeprazole , pantoprazole , famotidine , Prilosec , Protonix , calcium carbonate , More... Gastric Ulcer Maintenance Treatment Zantac , Zantac 150 , Zantac 75 , Zantac 300 , Deprizine , Taladine , More... 9 more conditions... Ranitidine Images Ranitidine systemic 150 mg (IP 253 ) View all images Related Questions & Answers What would cause stomach pain after eating? Nursing interventions for taking ranitidine? Just confirming that Ranitidine Syrup is gluten-free? Which is better esomeprazole or ranitidine? Are there reactions between dilantin, ranitidine and decadron? Read more questions} } temper

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