supplier Arco-lase Plus Tablets COMPOSITION Same as Arco-Lase, plus the addition of Hyoscyamine sulfate 0.10 mg., atropine sulfate 0.02 mg. and phenobarbital 1 / 8 gr. (Warning: may be habit forming.) ACTION AND USES Gastrointestinal disturbances, such as cramps, bloating, spasms, diarrhea, nausea, vomiting and peptic ulcer. The enzymes correct the digestive insufficiencies. The antispasmodic and phenobarbital contribute to the symptomatic relief of hypermotility and nervous tension, which usually accompanies functional disturbances of the bowel. ADMINISTRATION AND DOSAGE One tablet following meals. SIDE EFFECTS May cause rapid pulse, dryness of mouth and blurred vision. Contraindications This product is contraindicated in the presence of glaucoma or prostatic hypertrophy. SUPPLIED Bottles of 50's. NDC 275-45-45. LITERATURE AVAILABLE Yes. Print this page bloodbath
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