the advantages 11.01.16 Our country is experiencing a profound demographic shift: the rapid growth of the number of Americans aged 65 and older. According to Aging in the United States, a report from The Population Reference Bureau, this group will more than double in size from 46 million today to 98 million by 2060, and will account for nearly one quarter of the population. This change is particularly significant for the baby boomer generation, which is expected to fuel an increase of up to 75 percent in the number of seniors who require nursing home care (about 2.3 million by 2030). While the rise in the aging population is inevitable, there is much that can be done to mitigate the associated impact on health care costs. CVS Health is at the forefront of these efforts, with programs offering additional support and services for those aged 65 and older, especially those with chronic conditions. Addressing Chronic Disease More Important Than Ever Seniors are among the millions of Americans suffering from chronic conditions that require lifestyle modifications and daily maintenance medications , including heart disease and dementias such as Alzheimer s disease. Unfortunately, only a small percentage adopts healthier behaviors and takes medication as prescribed. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) , three in four Americans aged 65 and older have multiple chronic conditions, compared with one in four of the overall American population. In addition to driving up costs, this puts additional pressure on a health care system that is already feeling the strain of an increase in the number of patients and a decrease in the number of providers . Improving Care, Reducing Costs By improving support services for the growing senior population, especially for those with chronic conditions, we can direct health care resources to address individual patients needs and challenges sooner, leading to greater cost efficiencies and improved health outcomes. One effective strategy is to provide medication reconciliation and other medication-related support services. For example, according to the Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality , hospital readmissions are highest among the Medicare population. A study by the CVS Health Research Institute found that medication reconciliation programs, in which pharmacists review patients' medication regimens and provide adherence counseling during the transition from hospital to home, reduced risk of hospital readmission by 50 percent and helped avoid unnecessary health care costs. Other effective approaches include: Omnicare , a wholly owned subsidiary of CVS Health, is a pharmacy service provider to long-term care facilities such as nursing homes. They provide medication reconciliation services specifically tailored to the needs of the senior population to help reduce readmission rates and encourage optimal health outcomes. We offer other medication-related patient assistance programs, including Pharmacy Advisor and Specialty Connect to help ensure patients medication regimens are appropriate and remain on track. It s clear that to sustain quality, affordable health care for the aging U.S. population, the health care system will need to continue to evolve. CVS Health is committed to be part of the solution to help keep people on their path to better health . Related Articles By the Numbers: The State of Health Care in the United States Frustrated by the U.S. health care system, Americans want change, yet remain optimistic about its future outlook. On Target: What the New Hypertension Guidelines Mean New hypertension guidelines could mean lifestyle and medication changes for consumers. CVS Health tools and experts can help. 5 Things Pharmacists Do Beyond the Pharmacy Counter CVS pharmacists are on the front lines of health care and do much more for our patients than fill prescriptions. Related Press Releases 09.06.17 CVS Pharmacy Addressing Access, Affordability and Quality Care with Annual Free Health Screening Campaign 07.25.17 CVS Health Expands Clinical Affiliation with Cleveland Clinic to Increase Access to Patient-Centered Care and Improve Coordinated Health Care Delivery 04.18.17 Phoenix VA Health Care System, TriWest, and CVS Health Partner to Increase Veteran Access to Health Care Services 12.05.16 CVS Pharmacy and MinuteClinic Encourage Families to Get Their Flu Shots During National Influenza Vaccination Week 09.07.16 CVS Health Increasing Access to Health Care with Annual Project Health Campaign 08.22.16 CVS Health Research Institute Study Shows Value in Tailoring Medication Adherence Interventions to Specific Patient Populations charge
medical insurance Adapting Health Care Services to the Needs of an Aging Population remember that