condominium User Reviews for Multivitamin Also known as: 1000 BC, Abidec, Acnepril, AllanTex, Allbee Plus, Allbee with C, Allbee-C, Allbee-C 800, Alz-Nac, Animal Shape Vitamins, Apatate, Apetex, Apetigen, Av-VITE FB, Av-VITE FB Forte, B 100 Complex, B Complex 100, B Complex 50, B-50 Complex, B-Complex SR, B-Complex with B-12, B-Ject 100, B-Plex, B-Plex Plus, B-Scorbic, B-Stress, Baby Vitamin Drop, Balanced B-100, Balanced B-150, Balanced B-50, Becomject-100, Bee with C, Bee-Comp with C, Beminal, Beminal with C Fortis, Beminal-500, Berocca, Biotin Forte, Bounty Bear Vitamins, Bugs Bunny Multiple Vitamins, Bugs Bunny with Extra C, Cardiotek, Cardiotek Rx, Cefol, Celebrate B-12, Centrum 8400, Cerefolin, Cerefolin NAC, Cernevit, Cernevit-12, Chewable-Vite, Childrens Chewable Multivitamins, Cholidase, Cholinoid, Co-Veratrol, Cod Liver Oil, Cod Liver Oil Mint, Combgen, Cota-B-Plex, D-400 international units, Daflon, Daily Multiple Vitamins, Daily Vite, Daily-Vite Men's Formula, Dayalets, DEKAs Essential, DexFol, Dialyvite 800, Dialyvite Rx, Diatx, Dyzbac, Enfolast, Enfolast-N, Equaline One Daily Essential, Essential Balance, Essentiale, Estroven, FaBB, Farbee with C, Fletanol, Flintstones Multivitamins, Flintstones Toddler, Flintstones with C Multivitamins, Folamin, Folast, Folastin, Folbalin, Folbalin Plus, Folbee, Folbee AR, Folbee Plus, Folbic, Folbic RF, Folcaps, Foleve, Foleve Plus, Folgard RX, Folgard Rx 2.2, Folic Acid XTRA, Folinic-Plus, Folmor, Folnate, Folnate Plus, Folplex, Folplex 2.2, Foltabs 800, Foltanx, Foltanx RF, Foltrate, Foltx, Formula B, Fruity Chew, Full Spectrum B with C, Garfield Vitamins, Geravine, Glutofac, Glycogenics, GNC Women's Hair, Skin & Nails Formula, Hair, Skin, & Nails Gummies, Health Aid Multivitamin, Hexavitamin, High B Complex, High Potency B Complex with B12 and C, High Potency B+C, Infuvite, Infuvite Pediatric, Ivites Rx, Jetepar, Kenwood Therapeutic, L-Methyl-B6-B12, L-Methyl-MC, L-Methyl-MC NAC, L-methylfolate Ca, Me-Cbl NAC, L-methylfolate Ca, P-5-P, Me-Cbl, Larobec, Levomefolate Calcium-Algal Powder, Lipoflavonoid, Lipogen, Liponol, Lipotriad, Lysiplex, Male Formula, Mebolex, Mebolic, Mega B, Menopause Relief with Lifenol, Metafolbic, Metafolbic Plus, Metafolbic Plus RF, Metanx, Methaver, Methazel, MTX Support, Multi Vitamin+, Multi Vits with Beta Carotene, Multi-Delyn, MVC SDV, MVI Adult, MVI Pediatric, MVI-12, Mynephrocaps, Mynephron, Nat-Rul B-125, Nature's Bounty Hair Skin & Nails, Nephplex Rx, Nephro-Vite, Nephro-Vite Rx, Nephrocaps, Nephrocaps QT, Nephrolan Rx, Nephronex, Neurobion, Neurodep, Neuroforte-Six, Neurpath-B, Niva-Fol, NuFol, Omega Q Plus, Oncovite, One Daily Multi-Essential, One Tab Daily, One-A-Day 50+, One-A-Day Essentials, One-A-Day Men's Health Formula, Optilets-500, PoDiaPN, Poly Vit Drops, Poly-Vi-Sol, Poly-Vi-Sol Chewable, Poly-Vi-Sol Drops, Poly-Vit Chew, Poly-Vita Drops, Prevital, Primaplex, Prostate 2.4, Protegra, Protegra Cardio, Rena-Vite, Rena-Vite Rx, Renal Caps, Renaphro, Renatabs, Reno Caps, Rheumate, Rovin-CF, Scotts Emulsion, SeroSyn, Sesame St Vitamins with Extra C, Sigtab, Stress B with C, Stress Formula, Stress Formula 600, Stress-600, StressTabs, Sunkist Child Chewable, Sunkist Child Chewable with C, Super B Complex, Super B-100 TD, Super B-50, Super Plenamins, Super Theravite-M, Superplex-T, Surbex, Surbex Filmtab, Surbex with C, Surbex-T, T-BMP, T-Vites, Tab-A-Vite, Tender Age Vitamin ADC, Thera, Thera-Plus, Thera-Tabs, Theragenerix, Theragran, Theravite, Therems, Therobec, Thex Forte, TL Gard, Topfit Vitamin B Complex, Topfit Vitamin B Complex Forte, Total B with C, Tri-Vi-Sol, Tri-Vit, Tri-Vit Drops, Tri-Vita Drops, Tri-Vitamin, Triphro, Triphrocaps, Triveen-CF, Unicap, Unicap Capsule, Unicap Jr, Unichem Multivitamin, Vesselvite, Vi-Daylin, Vi-Daylin ADC, Vi-Daylin Chewable, Vi-Daylin Drops, Vi-Stress, Vigomar Forte, Vimar, Virt-Caps, Virt-Gard, Virt-Vite, Virt-Vite Forte, Virt-Vite Plus, Vita Drop, Vita-Plus G, Vita-Respa, Vitabee with C, Vitacirc-B, Vitamin A and D Concentrate, Vitamin A, D, Vitamin B Complex 100, Vitamin B Compound Strong, Vitamin B-100, Vitamin B-100 T/R, Vitamin B-50, Vitamin C, E, and Rose Hips, Vitamin Daily Liquid, Vitamins, Vitamins for Hair, Vitaplex, Vol-Care Rx, Watkins Harvest, Wellesse Sugar Free Childrens Multivitamin Gummies, Zycose, Zymacap show all brand names The following information is NOT intended to endorse drugs or recommend therapy. While these reviews might be helpful, they are not a substitute for the expertise, skill, knowledge and judgement of healthcare practitioners in patient care. Learn more about Multivitamin . Filter by: --- all conditions --- Dietary Supplementation (52) Hyperhomocysteinemia (1) Condition Avg. Ratings Reviews Compare Dietary Supplementation 6.2 52 reviews 576 medications Summary of Multivitamin reviews 6.2 53 reviews Reviews for Multivitamin Sort by: Most Recent Most Helpful Highest Rating Lowest Rating Member Rank Time on Medication PoDiaPN (multivitamin) for Dietary Supplementation: "I had severe stomach cramps and diarrhea while taking this medication. Symptoms disappeared within days after I quit taking it." 1.0 Miller8847 November 27, 2017 0 users found this comment helpful. Did you? Yes No Report inappropriate Nature's Bounty Hair Skin & Nails (multivitamin) for Dietary Supplementation: "I took these after I had my son in March 2016 I was losing so much hair I was going bald. These made my hair grow so fast and they tasted so good. I took them for about two months with no problems at all. My hair grew my nails were stronger a 10/10 so I decided to buy these again now September 2017 and the taste is awful. And when I take them I get nauseous right away and my head feels like it s about to explode my stomach feels full of water or bloated it s weird sensation. It really sucks because I was really looking forward to taking these again." 3.0 Nessa. 97 (taken for 6 months to 1 year) September 22, 2017 1 users found this comment helpful. Did you? Yes No Report inappropriate Nature's Bounty Hair Skin & Nails (multivitamin) for Dietary Supplementation: "I started taking these gummies almost 3 months ago. I didn't have any major side effects in the beginning maybe just a sore stomach at first, but thats normal as your body has to adjust to this new supplement. I started to see around a month that my hair was getting longer. It used to be a little passed my shoulders and now its half way down my back. So I did see some results with these but everyones body handles stuff differently, so maybe it worked for me but won't work for someone else. My hair has always been extremely slow growing but noticed a faster pace with help of these BUT I did start to get a non stop itchiness all over my arms and legs... I kept putting lotion because doctors thought I had really dry skin but its these so be careful" Emmarr19rnzl September 15, 2017 1 users found this comment helpful. Did you? Yes No Report inappropriate Lipoflavonoid (multivitamin) for Dietary Supplementation: "I have Meniere's, which is a more severe form of Vertigo. It was prescribed by a Neuro ENT many years ago. I can only take 1 - 2 daily because of the Vit C, but if I don't take it - I stay away from stairs and am not able to drive. Also have to hold onto walls, etc when I walk thru the house. It also has stopped the tinnitus and echoing in my left ear. Have tried other products and was a total waste of money!!!!!" 10 janettel August 24, 2017 3 users found this comment helpful. Did you? Yes No Report inappropriate Estroven (multivitamin) for Dietary Supplementation: "I have been having very bad hot flashes due to Menopause. I could not lose weight, and wanted to eat everything that I could get my hands on. I started taking Estroven, and my hot flashes have been cut in half, and I've lost 6 pounds in 2 weeks. I've been taking Estroven for 22 days. So glad that I found it at my grocery store, and it has helped me." Mrs. Clean (taken for less than 1 month) July 16, 2017 5 users found this comment helpful. Did you? Yes No Report inappropriate Nature's Bounty Hair Skin & Nails (multivitamin) for Dietary Supplementation: "I started taking this vitamin because my hair was rapidly falling out. Two weeks I have been on the vitamin, and for the entire two weeks my stomach was extremely upset. Diarrhea, upset stomach, sore throat, and skin rashes occured. I have never had any allergic reaction, or even side effects to medication or vitamins, until this. To top it all off, I have noticed not a single change in hair, skin, or nails. Be wary of this product, and at the very least, keep an eye out for symptoms." 1.0 Jess_is_never_taking_again April 24, 2017 3 users found this comment helpful. Did you? Yes No Report inappropriate Nature's Bounty Hair Skin & Nails (multivitamin) for Dietary Supplementation: "Crazy itching like I'm going to jump out of my skin. Also nauseating for several hours after taking." 1.0 JF45 March 31, 2017 6 users found this comment helpful. Did you? Yes No Report inappropriate Nature's Bounty Hair Skin & Nails (multivitamin) for Dietary Supplementation: "I took it for a couple of days, felt sick. My throat hurt and I have asthma, so I had to use my inhaler." 1.0 nunderwood1 February 13, 2017 3 users found this comment helpful. Did you? Yes No Report inappropriate Metanx (multivitamin) for Dietary Supplementation: "Prescribed after surgery repairing neck, C4,5,&6 . Nerve damage from an injury. Metanx was an excellent suggestion from my doctor. Now if my hands start to feel burning or tingling, I go back on the metanx. Thank you!" 10 As is February 2, 2017 20 users found this comment helpful. Did you? Yes No Report inappropriate Nature's Bounty Hair Skin & Nails (multivitamin) for Dietary Supplementation: "This is effective, but be VERY WARY of side effects. I had an incredibly severe reaction. I was born with asthma but it became very mild after age 8. For over a year I was on a similar vitamin before switching over to this one. After the first day, I noticed my nails were growing whiter and stronger. However I looked like I had a sudden break out. They were hives. 2-3 days, I was bedridden with asthma, flu-like symptoms, severe rash, vomiting. At 5-7 days, my throat swelled shut and I was in the E.R. 7 days ago, I was put on prednisone and stopped taking this vitamin. I know it was a reaction because I took the vitamin today and ended up in anaphylactic shock, back in the E.R. I have never been so incapacitated and ill. Be careful." 1.0 Emme Tracy January 29, 2017 8 users found this comment helpful. Did you? Yes No Report inappropriate Lipoflavonoid (multivitamin) for Dietary Supplementation: "Let me begin writing this comment about Lipo-Flavonoid that this is the only tinnitus treatment that ever worked for me. My ringing in the ear didn't changed at all with many other types of medicines. Natural and hearing aids did nothing for me compared to how well this vitamin supplement worked. My tinnitus dropped over 50% which was a big deal for me. This tinnitus treatment isn't a cure, it is good ear ringing medicine that helps with tinnitus. It will not go away all together. Secondly, you need to be serious about this, you need to take everyday at a certain time for two months. If you get results that you tinnitus want, keep taking it. Lastly, those two months that you are waiting for it to work are rough. Be prepared mentally." 10 Worked, but tough start (taken for 5 to 10 years) January 26, 2017 5 users found this comment helpful. Did you? Yes No Report inappropriate Lipoflavonoid (multivitamin) for Dietary Supplementation: "I have been on lipo-flavonoid for over 2 months, 2 tablets 3 times a day after meals. Lately I find I am getting tingling in my fingers and feet which does not seem to go away. I still have the ringing in the ears, about the same as before. I am discontinuing lipo-flavonoid and will see if the tingling goes away." 5.0 Anonymous (taken for 1 to 6 months) January 24, 2017 4 users found this comment helpful. Did you? Yes No Report inappropriate Lipoflavonoid (multivitamin) for Dietary Supplementation: "I am in my mid 40s and got tinnitus. I mostly got used to the ringing in my ears, it was much like after a loud concert how your ears kind of ring for the night. Sometimes the volume gets louder when I'm stressed out or not feeling well so I thought I would try lipoflavonoid and I've only been taking it for 20 days but I feel like the volume in my ears has doubled it doesn't make me feel bad in any other way but the volume is so loud now. I'm going to finish the 30 days and if it's still like this I'm getting my money back. Very unsure on how well this product actually works." 4.0 Kangar (taken for less than 1 month) January 5, 2017 6 users found this comment helpful. Did you? Yes No Report inappropriate Metanx (multivitamin) for Dietary Supplementation: "I suffer from psoriatric arthritis and leg and foot pain and fatigue. I work retail an am on feet 8 to 10 hours a day. I never felt rested as my legs would cramp and my feet would feel as if pins were pricking them along with electrical shock type feel. My balance started to be affected and my toes were numb all the time. Doctor prescribed Metanx and said I would feel better in about 3 mos or sooner..I was skeptical..at first my feet felt like odd as if they were resisting on purpose and I began to feel life in my toes again,,by the 2nd month I showed great improvement..I even look better as I am getting a good nights rest now. I highly recommend this product for leg and foot pain, be patient..you will not regret it." 10 Skyyy (taken for 1 to 6 months) November 29, 2016 25 users found this comment helpful. Did you? Yes No Report inappropriate Metanx (multivitamin) for Dietary Supplementation: "Suffering from both diabetes and its sequelae as well as vascular insufficiency in my legs and feet, every step I've taken for the past three years has been extraordinarily painful with both severe leg cramping and the burning, numbness and imbalance of neuropathy. My endocrinologist gave me a two week sample and within three days the vascular cramping disappeared. I still have neuropathy but sense it lessening. Ironically, two years ago, after an inexplicable failed arterial stent, a hematologist found that I was deficient in vitamins B12, B6 and Folic acid which can affect blood coagulation. I've been taking these supplements in OTC products since then and have not seen any change until Metanx. Activated folic acid is the difference!!" 10 Mrs. St. Nick September 27, 2016 18 users found this comment helpful. Did you? Yes No Report inappropriate Metanx (multivitamin) for Dietary Supplementation: "I have been taking Metanx for about 9 months now. I first noticed a difference after circa 4 months. Perhaps it was slow because the Neuropathy had been with me for 8 years. No cause for it, except perhaps old age (my neurologist's words). Yes, at times the burning pain seemed to get worse in some areas. The doctor's explanation: some of the nerves that had already gone numb, and so painless, were coming back and eventually would heal. After years of only tolerating light sandals on my feet, I have started wearing "real" shoes again for short period of time. Prices at the local pharmacy are high, but mail order brought it down to under $70.00, including postage." 8.0 just little old me September 9, 2016 30 users found this comment helpful. Did you? Yes No Report inappropriate Metanx (multivitamin) for Dietary Supplementation: "My experience in taking this product is very helpful for the nerves in legs" 10 Linda Staggs (taken for 1 to 6 months) September 9, 2016 19 users found this comment helpful. Did you? Yes No Report inappropriate Nature's Bounty Hair Skin & Nails (multivitamin) for Dietary Supplementation: "I took this to help with hair loss. I had a very bad allergic reaction on different occasions. Tight chest and throat, nausea, fast heart rate, vision changes." 1.0 Hannah2395 August 9, 2016 6 users found this comment helpful. Did you? Yes No Report inappropriate Nature's Bounty Hair Skin & Nails (multivitamin) for Dietary Supplementation: "Postpartum hair loss:The 2nd day of taking this I had a bad headache but I get them occasionally so I didn't connect the two. The 3rd time I woke up at 4 am and had severe hives covering my body. I took two Benadryl and waited and hour or so. It helped relieve the itching but my throat began to swell and it was difficult to breathe. My husband took me to the ER and I was given steroids and Pepcid. Finally the hives went away and I felt better so was discharged and slept for like 4 hours. Woke up with a headache so I took more benedryl which the doctor advised. All this to say, I will not be taking it anymore. I'll wear a scarf until my hair grows back! Not worth it! Plus they smell so bad and one night I kept belching that awful taste." 1.0 Oceangirl216 August 4, 2016 5 users found this comment helpful. Did you? Yes No Report inappropriate Lipoflavonoid (multivitamin) for Dietary Supplementation: "This is a rel mind blower! I started taking 6 caps of Lipo-Flavinoid daily about two months ago. No help yet with the tenninitis, but guess what? As a 75 year old, Iv'e been bothered by those terrible looking red bruises on my arms and hands for a few years now, and they're about gone! I don't take any other meds but after 6 weeks or so with Lipo, I noticed that the red bruising seemed to be getting less so. It's even better now after a couple more weeks and I can't believe it! I shared the info with a couple of friend and, although it's only been a couple of weeks now with them, I'd bet that their results will be good too. I can't hear any better yet. but boy do I look better. Steve" 8.0 sellnell July 16, 2016 3 users found this comment helpful. Did you? Yes No Report inappropriate Nature's Bounty Hair Skin & Nails (multivitamin) for Dietary Supplementation: "I took these for a couple weeks and my tummy has been hurting bad and my skin and very itchy and not sure if this is with it but i got a face yeast infection and my eyes kind of bother me." 2.0 Andy9017meow (taken for less than 1 month) June 12, 2016 6 users found this comment helpful. Did you? Yes No Report inappropriate Nature's Bounty Hair Skin & Nails (multivitamin) for Dietary Supplementation: "After using for a week there were Rashes all over the body,my skin was burning and itching. i hated this product." 1.0 sv1 June 3, 2016 5 users found this comment helpful. Did you? Yes No Report inappropriate Lipoflavonoid (multivitamin) for : "I am 49 yr old and have been wearing hearing aids for 44 yrs! (Since i was in kindergarten). Work yrs ago for some reason i developed ringing in both ears, each ear has its own tone and frequency ugh very annoying! Plenty of nights i just want to cry, tried taking Advid PM just to knock me out and tried Ambien even! I gave lipoflavonoid a try. It helps but not 100%. What i didnt realize just how much it helped tll last week i stopped taking it so i could start a diet....it came back with a vengeance and its loud! So its very gradual...u have to be patient taking these pills. They do work but it has to build up in system. I'm going back on lipoflavonoid today since theres mild side effects as apposed to AdvilPM & Ambien!!!" 8.0 Twixy May 21, 2016 0 users found this comment helpful. Did you? Yes No Report inappropriate MVI Adult (multivitamin) for Dietary Supplementation: "I had a very bad experience with this drug I gave to my mom this inj.mvi and she developed severe allergic reactions. Hence I feel this as a negative experience" 1.0 marymarlapati (taken for 1 to 2 years) April 10, 2016 1 users found this comment helpful. Did you? Yes No Report inappropriate Foltanx (multivitamin) for Dietary Supplementation: "I just started on the Foltanx tablets so I can't comment on how well they work, but what I can comment on is that they don't have *any* fish odor. I couldn't get anywhere near Metanx or Foltanx capsules because of the strong fish odor. So if the fish smell is bothersome to you, try the Foltanx tablets." 7.0 whispurr (taken for less than 1 month) April 9, 2016 4 users found this comment helpful. Did you? Yes No Report inappropriate Page 1 2 3 Next More about multivitamin Side Effects Drug Images Drug Interactions Compare Alternatives Support Group En Español 54 Reviews Add your own review/rating Drug class: vitamin and mineral combinations Consumer resources Multivitamins Multivitamins Capsules and Tablets Folic Acid and Cyanocobalamin Folic Acid, Cyanocobalamin, and Pyridoxine L-Methylfolate, Methylcobalamin, and N-Acetylcysteine ... +11 more Other brands: Folic Acid XTRA , Folbic , Vitamins , Folbee , ... +28 more Professional resources Levomefolate, Calcium Acetylcysteine and Mecobalamin Algal (FDA) ... +7 more Related treatment guides Dietary Supplementation Hyperhomocysteinemia} Drug Status Rx OTC Availability Rx and/or OTC N Pregnancy Category Not classified N/A CSA Schedule Not a controlled drug Manufacturer Pfizer Inc. Drug Class Vitamin and mineral combinations Related Drugs Dietary Supplementation biotin , Fish Oil , ascorbic acid , Coenzyme Q10 , Lovaza , Vitamin C , CoQ10 , calcium citrate , Zinc , chondroitin / glucosamine , More... Hyperhomocysteinemia Deplin , Folic Acid XTRA , Folbic , Folbee , l-methylfolate , MTX Support , Renal Caps , More... Multivitamin Images Multivitamin systemic (077 ) View all images Related Questions & Answers what is the difference between folbee plus and folbee? Poly-Vi-Sol with Iron - is there a better way for my son to get vitamin d other than taking poly vi? Multivitamin - will it cause charley horses in legs or muscle cramps? Can norvasc, celexa, exforge, plavix, seroquel, simvastatin, tylenol, multivitamin be taken safely? Multivitamin - what is the role of methylcobalamin in pregnancy? Read more questions} } studying
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