machine washable Need further information and help with depression ? We recommend checking out our depression guide (if you haven t already). You may also be interested in our thriving online support group for depression . Additionally, there are a number of real-world organizations and resources available if you re interested in further information about depression and depressive disorders. Most additional information is available both online or by calling the organization directly and asking it to be sent via regular postal mail. These organizations are very willing to help you confidentially learn more about depressive illness and to find help if need be. Please don t hesitate to seek treatment for depression if you need to. Write to: National Institute of Mental Health Information Resources and Inquiries Branch 6001 Executive Boulevard Room 8184, MSC 9663 Bethesda, MD 20892-9663 Telephone: 1-301-443-4513 FAX: 1-301-443-4279 Depression brochures: 1-800-421-4211 TTY: 1-301-443-8431 FAX4U: 1-301-443-5158 Website: http://www.nimh.nih.gov National Alliance for the Mentally Ill Colonial Place Three 2107 Wilson Blvd., Suite 300 Arlington, VA 22201-3042 Tel. 1-703-524-7600; 1-800-950-NAMI Website: http://www.nami.org National Depressive and Manic Depressive Association 730 N. Franklin, Suite 501 Chicago, IL 60601 Tel. 1-312- 642-0049; 1-800-826-3632 Website: http://www.ndmda.org Mental Health America (formerly the National Mental Health Association) 2000 N. Beauregard Street, 6th Floor Alexandria, VA 22311 Tel. 703-684-7722; 1-800-969-NMHA (6642) Website: http://www.nmha.org References Frank E, Karp JF, and Rush AJ (1993). Efficacy of treatments for major depression. Psychopharmacology Bulletin, 29:457-75. Lebowitz BD, Pearson JL, Schneider LS, Reynolds CF, Alexopoulos GS, Bruce MI, Conwell Y, Katz IR, Meyers BS, Morrison MF, Mossey J, Niederehe G, and Parmelee P (1997). Diagnosis and treatment of depression in late life: Consensus statement update. Journal of the American Medical Association , 278:1186-90. Robins LN and Regier DA (Eds) (1990). Psychiatric Disorders in America, The Epidemiologic Catchment Area Study , New York: The Free Press. Vitiello B and Jensen P (1997). Medication development and testing in children and adolescents. Archives of General Psychiatry, 54:871-6. Back to the Depression Series Introduction Related Articles Depression Guide Table of Contents: An Introduction to the Depression Series Symptoms of Depression Types of Depression Causes of Depression Depression in Women, Seniors and Children Diagnostic Evaluation and Treatment Where to Get Help for Depression How to Help Someone Who's Depressed Further Information Hot Topics Today 1 PTSD Patients Show Heightened Sensitivity to Deviant Sounds 2 Developing the Evidence Base for Mindfulness Therapies 3 Dominant Hand May Begin in Womb 4 Why Empaths and Sensitives Must Take Special Care of Their Energies 5 5 Types of People Who Are Naturally Attracted to Each Other Most Popular News PTSD Patients Show Heightened Sensitivity to Deviant Sounds Dominant Hand May Begin in Womb Developing the Evidence Base for Mindfulness Therapies Bipolar or Depression? Heart Test May Help Tell the Difference Avatar Therapy May Ease Schizophrenia Symptoms Join Over 195,000 Subscribers to Our Weekly Newsletter Find a Therapist Enter ZIP or postal code and have become
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