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do you want 11.07.17 The opioid crisis has been officially declared a national public health emergency, calling to action all parts of the health care system, law enforcement and local, state and federal governments to mitigate its devastating effects. On November 2, 2017, CVS Health Chief Policy and External Affairs Officer and General Counsel Tom Moriarty delivered opening remarks at POLITICO s Health Care Briefing, The Opioid Crisis: Crucial Next Steps . The event brought together health care experts and policymakers to discuss the policy challenges around the opioid epidemic, what initiatives are working, and where more resources are most needed. Addressing the Epidemic from Multiple Angles Moriarty reiterated CVS Health s commitment to helping address the national opioid crisis through a comprehensive, enterprise-wide approach that attacks the epidemic from multiple angles from prevention to treatment. Moriarty said that CVS Health can make an impact by reducing the number of unnecessary opioids that are dispensed, encouraging the removal and safe disposal of unused medications in the home and supporting treatment programs to help those struggling with addiction. Beyond these efforts, CVS Health is also advocating for effective policies to prevent and mitigate the crisis, which Moriarty said includes requiring e-prescribing for controlled substances and strengthening Prescription Drug Monitoring Programs. Read the full text of Tom Moriarty s remarks at the POLITICO briefing on the opioid crisis. Experts Weigh in with Personal Experience and Multifaceted Solutions The expert panel included policymakers Rep. Joe Kennedy (D-MA) and Rep. Hal Rodgers (R-KY), as well as health care practitioners, Dr. Michael Bicket, Director of the Pain Fellowship Program at the Johns Hopkins Hospital, and Dr. Jeanmarie Perrone, Director of Toxicology and Attending Physician at the Perelman School of Medicine at the University of Pennsylvania. Panelists discussed their personal experiences in their communities, noting that, because of the complexity of the problem and its indiscriminate nature, multifaceted solutions are required, from increased federal funding for local programs, to enhanced provider and consumer education . A Key Issue: Addressing Prescription Opioid Over-Prescribing The panelists agreed that a significant factor contributing to the growth of the problem in recent years is prescribing patterns leading to an over-abundance of opioids in homes and communities. While acknowledging the positive impact made by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention s (CDC) guidelines on opioid prescribing to address chronic pain, 1 panelists felt more was needed to educate health care providers in medical school and through continuing medical education on the risks of opioids and potential alternatives to address pain. They also noted a need to incentivize reimbursement for these alternatives, which may include physical therapy, acupuncture and chiropractic care. The Rise in Illicit Opioid Overdose Deaths Examining how the opioid crisis has evolved, panelists shared concern about the rise in illicit opioid overdose deaths resulting from heroin and fentanyl. Panelists agreed that increased funding for local prevention efforts and medication-assisted treatment programs is needed to help turn the tide on overdoses in local communities. For More Detail: Working Group Report In October 2017, Bicket and Perrone, also participated in a working group discussion of a dozen experts to evaluate progress on the opioid epidemic since the CDC released its guidelines in spring 2016. The discussion, summarized by POLITICO, revealed policy gaps and opportunities related to reducing addition, abuse and dependence of opioids . For more information about our efforts in the fight against opioid abuse, visit Our Commitment to Fight Opioid Abuse and the CVS Health Impact Dashboard . And to stay informed about the most talked-about topics in health care, register for content alerts and our bi-weekly health care newsletter . 1 Centers for Disease Control and Prevention: https://www.cdc.gov/drugoverdose/prescribing/guideline.html Naloxone availability across the United States 4 6 See States Alabama Alaska Arizona Arkansas California Colorado Connecticut Delaware Florida Georgia Idaho Illinois Indiana Iowa Kansas Kentucky Louisiana Maryland Massachusetts Michigan Minnesota Mississippi Missouri Montana Nevada New Hampshire New Jersey New Mexico New York North Carolina North Dakota Ohio Oklahoma Oregon Pennsylvania Rhode Island South Carolina South Dakota Tennessee Texas Utah Vermont Virginia Washington West Virginia Wisconsin CVS Pharmacy patients in 46 states now have access to the opioid overdose-reversal drug, naloxone. Follow our commitment to drug abuse prevention as we increase access to the life-saving opioid overdose reversal drug. Related Articles Experts Discuss Opioid Epidemic at Forbes Healthcare Summit CVS Health s CMO Troy Brennan and expert panel discuss solutions to curb the opioid epidemic and assist those already facing addiction. CVS Health and POLITICO Examine the Opioid Crisis A quick and easy-to-understand explanation of one of the most pressing challenges in public health: the opioid epidemic. A State of Emergency: Integrative Approaches to Addiction and the Opioid Epidemic Moriarty discusses the power of partnerships in tackling the opioid epidemic. Related Press Releases 09.21.17 CVS Health Fighting National Opioid Abuse Epidemic With Enterprise Initiatives 09.12.17 CVS Health Makes Overdose-Reversal Drug Available Without Individual Prescription at CVS Pharmacy Locations in Kansas 07.27.17 CVS Health Makes Overdose-Reversal Drug Available Without Individual Prescription at CVS Pharmacy Locations in South Dakota 05.23.17 Attorney General Brnovich, Rep. Carter Join CVS Health to Announce Availability of Naloxone at All CVS Pharmacy Locations in Arizona 04.27.17 CVS Health Report Examines Public Perceptions of Opioid Epidemic, Drug Disposal Ahead of National Prescription Drug Take Back Day 03.29.17 Reynolds, State Officials and CVS Health Announce Availability of Naloxone at All CVS Pharmacy Locations in Iowa in all fairness

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