is known erapy ) or signs of toxicity develop (see WARNINGS and PRECAUTIONS ). If there is no discernible improvement after three to four months of treatment with 1000 to 1500 mg of penicillamine/day to intensify

easiest method erapy ) or signs of toxicity develop (see WARNINGS and PRECAUTIONS ). If there is no discernible improvement after three to four months of treatment with 1000 to 1500 mg of penicillamine/day and cannot
Photo :erapy ) or signs of toxicity develop (see WARNINGS and PRECAUTIONS ). If there is no discernible improvement after three to four months of treatment with 1000 to 1500 mg of penicillamine/day

detrimental it may be assumed the patient will not respond and Cuprimine should be discontinued. Maintenance Therapy The maintenance dosage of Cuprimine must be individualized may be

endorsed erapy ) or signs of toxicity develop (see WARNINGS and PRECAUTIONS ). If there is no discernible improvement after three to four months of treatment with 1000 to 1500 mg of penicillamine/day incapability
