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so that you can How to have more joy in your life By Kate, Nurse-Educator Have you ever asked yourself what being happy really has to do with being healthy? Or what steps you can take today toward creating more joy in your life? After a few weeks of the winter blues, I was thinking about these questions and decided to check in with our experts for their thoughts on how each of us can begin living more joyfully. For our latest hangout, How to Have More Joy in Your Life, Dr. Sharon Stills, NMD, and Barbara Carrellas, best-selling author and sex expert, joined in the discussion with some intriguing ideas about the benefits of living happily. The connection between health and happiness During our conversation a few ideas stood out as particularly meaningful to me and the work I do with women every day. The first is that there is now an undeniable connection between happiness and physical health. Despite the idea of the mind-body connection having been around for many years, it s only recently that the happiness research field has exploded. With links to better cardiovascular health and stronger immune systems, we now know that prioritizing happiness can literally save lives. To experience happiness, respect negative emotions You may be surprised to hear our experts say that in order to experience happiness, we need to also acknowledge and respect our less comfortable emotions as they arise. Dr. Stills talks about the importance of balancing all of our emotions. This means allowing ourselves to experience anger, sadness, and other negative emotions as a part of our journey toward living happier, more fulfilled lives. Barbara shared her unique perspective about the important role of an emotional reset in experiencing ecstasy. One of the most important things to remember is how highly individualized a process finding joy truly is. There are as many ways to increase happiness as there are people on the planet, and we give you some tips on how to discover your own happiest self. I hope you have as much fun with this conversation as we did. We would love to hear how you foster joy and ecstasy in your own life, and your other thoughts on this topic! * Information presented here is not intended to cure, diagnose, prevent or treat any health concerns or condition, nor is it to serve as a substitute professional medical care. enormously

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