recommendations Avoiding obstacles with your walking plan a hundred and fortieth

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Photo :Avoiding obstacles with your walking plan

records Avoiding obstacles with your walking plan Do rainy weather, a sore ankle and other common obstacles seem to pop up and get in the way of your routine walks? They don t have to especially if you have some strategies ready to overcome them Here are some typical walking complications and easy ideas to work around them: Not enough time. Can t find 30 minutes a day to walk? Try breaking that time into two 15-minute walks or even three 10-minute walks. If work, errands or other activities are constantly crowding into your walking time, you may want to consider walking in the morning. See the box Timing is everything for more ideas about when a walk might fit best into your schedule. Downpours or other wild weather. If it s pouring rain during the time you planned to walk, you can make your own call. Some women like to tough it out in the rain with a rain coat, hat, and umbrella. Others will opt for a treadmill or to take the day off and walk a little extra on another day. If it s going to be a scorcher, reschedule your walk for the early morning when it s not so hot and be sure to bring a water bottle. Preventing injuries. Though walking is something we do every day, injuries can arise from prolonged walking. Here s how to avoid them. Shin splints can cause pain in the shins while walking or running. The cause is usually connected to a tight calf muscle. Prevent by: stretching the calf muscle and making circles with your ankle joint. Some people spell the alphabet with their toes or simply count ten circles in one direction and ten in the opposite direction. Runner s knee is pain in the knee or just below it. It generally happens because of tight quad muscles. Prevent by: stretching your quads once your muscles are warmed up. You can do this by putting a hand on a wall or sturdy railing while pulling your foot up behind you with the other hand. Keep your knees in line with each other and gently work the heel of your foot toward your behind. Achilles tendinitis causes stiffness or pain above your heel and is generally caused by inflammation of the Achilles tendon due to overuse. Prevent by: stretching the tendon before and after each walk. Stand with two hands on a wall and one foot about two-three feet from the wall. The other foot can step forward in a lunge. Lean into the wall to stretch the calf muscle of the extended leg and the Achilles tendon. Plantar fasciitis can cause pain in the heel or arch of the foot that is worse in the morning. The cause can be anything from thin-soled shoes to flat feet or overly high arches. Prevent by: rolling the arch of your feet over a tennis ball and being careful to buy shoes with a lot of support in the soles. Cell phone interruptions. On one hand, talking or texting while on a walk is a nice way to multi-task, but this might defeat the purpose of taking time out of your busy life to move your body, take a break from technology, and get away from the needs and demands of others. We recommend leaving your cell phone at home or turning your ringer off (if you bring it for safety reasons). You ll get more out of your walk this way. Don't miss our other walking blogs! Starting a successful walking routine Staying motivated with a walking plan * Information presented here is not intended to cure, diagnose, prevent or treat any health concerns or condition, nor is it to serve as a substitute professional medical care. incapability

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