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Photo :Why You Need a Pregnancy Pillow

most desirable Why You Need a Pregnant Pillow What s a pregnant pillow and what can it do for you? If you re lying awake, tossing and turning and sleep just won t come, you re not alone. Over three-quarters of all women have problems sleeping at some point during the nine months of pregnancy. One reason you might not be able to sleep is because you can t get comfortable! As your belly grows, assuming a comfy position that lets you sleep peacefully is challenging. Fortunately, there are pillows made especially for you. Get Extra Support with a Pregnant Pillow The safest position to sleep in when you re pregnant is on your left side. Sleeping on your tummy as you grow in size is uncomfortable, if not impossible, and sleeping on your back reduces blood flow to your growing baby. So, slumbering on your left side is the best bet. If you re not accustomed to sleeping on your side, a pregnant or pregnancy pillow can help. What is a pregnancy pillow? It s a special type of pillow that gives you extra support while you re sleeping. Although you can use regular pillows, pregnancy pillows offer some advantages over standard pillows. Most are specially designed to give your body support during pregnancy. Types of Pregnancy Pillows Pregnancy pillows come in several varieties. Available are models that wrap around your neck and your back to ensure these areas are adequately supported while you sleep. Then there are wedge pillows designed to support your growing tummy and the baby you re carrying. As the name implies, they re shaped like a wedge. You simply place the lower end of the wedge underneath your bump to support it while you sleep. You might also prefer the support a full pregnant pillow offers. These large pillows extend the length of your body. They re sometimes straight but more often curved in shape. The advantage of the curved shape is you can twist it to conform to whatever shape you like. To make the experience of sleeping on your side more comfortable, place a full-body pregnancy pillow between your legs to relieve pressure on your joints. Then, hug the top of it to support your head and neck. Having one of these generously sized pillows means you don t need a separate pillow for your head. Another variation is a full-length pregnancy pillow in the shape of a C. To use this pillow, place one end of the C-shape between your legs and place your head on the other end. The curve in between supports your spine. Choose a Quality Pregnant Pillow Don t be tempted to buy the least expensive pregnancy pillow you can find. Pregnancy pillows are filled with different types of material. Whichever material you choose, make sure it offers firm support. Look for one with a removable cover that you can wash. The Bottom Line You can get by with a stash of regular pillows but why not maximize your chances of getting a good night s sleep? Sleeping is more challenging when you re pregnant. A pregnancy pillow could be just what you need to make the time you spend dreaming more pleasant. You might just discover that you want a pregnancy pillow around even after you deliver so choose a quality one that will last. You won t regret it. References: National Sleep Foundation Pregnancy and Sleep Parent.Guide. Best PregnancyPpillow: An Expert Buyers Guide per chance

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