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another time A twin or multiples pregnancy are most often the result of one of two occurrences. Some twins are identical or produced from the same fertilized egg (zygote) that then splits to form two embryos. The other twins type is fraternal, where two different sperm cells fertilize two different eggs and a mother grows two babies. According to CNN, a record number of twins were born in the United States in 2014. An estimated 33.9 twins were born for every 1,000 births in the United States. Although twin birth rates had been on the decline in the past 20 years, the 2014 numbers show that more and more women are giving birth to twins. Doctors also know that certain groups of women are more likely to have twins. For example, twins pregnancy rates are slightly higher in African American women. Also, women who already have one set of twins are more likely to have another set of twins (that s a lot of babies in a home!). If you would like to join their ranks of mommies of multiples , read on for more information on how to get a twins pregnancy . Be Tall According to LiveScience, taller women are more likely to have twins than their average-height and shorter counterparts. Children with twins were more likely to be an inch or more taller than most women when giving birth. One reason why taller women may be more likely to have twins is because they produce higher levels of insulin-like growth hormone. Scientists have linked this hormone with increasing ovulation, which can increase a woman s chances for pregnancy. Any circumstance that affects the amount of available insulin-like growth factor so as to modify the sensitivity of the ovary to follicle-stimulating hormone appears to govern the rate of spontaneous twinning, said Dr. Gary Steinman, an obstetrician at Long Island Jewish Medical Center in an interview with LiveScience. Dr. Steinman has also conducted other studies regarding fertility and the likelihood of twins. He found that women who consume animal products, especially dairy products like milk, are also more likely to have twins. This is likely due to the fact that cows also produce insulin-like growth factor, which is present in their milk. Be an Older Mom Researchers know that as a woman ages, she is more likely to have twins. According to WebMD, women who are older have higher levels of follicle-stimulating hormones (FSH) are more likely to have fraternal twins. According to a study published in the journal Human Reproduction, older women s bodies were more likely to release multiple eggs in a menstrual cycle. If both eggs are fertilized, fraternal twins can be the result. The study found women ages 35 and up were the most likely to have twins, followed by being ages 30 to 35. Women in their 20s were least likely to have fraternal twins. Conceiving Immediately After Stopping Taking the Pill Women who get pregnant while they are on the pill or who conceive immediately after they stop taking the pill are more likely to get pregnant with twins than those who do not. This Is because women s bodies have more hormones and are going through an adjustment to their hormones that promotes twins conception when they get pregnant immediately after stopping taking birth control pills. Having a Family History Women with a family history of twins are more likely to have twins, according to Huggies. However, the genetic likelihood to have twins is only on the mother s side, not the father s. The family history is more related to hyper-ovulation, which means she produces extra eggs for fertilization. Moms who are twins themselves are especially more likely to have twins. However, there are many women with no family history of twins that will have twins. Her genetic history is just a small consideration. Using Assistive Reproduction Techniques Taking fertility treatments can increase the likelihood a woman will get pregnant with twins. For example, women who take fertility medications to stimulate ovulation can increase the levels of hormones that may cause a woman to release more than one egg in an ovulation cycle. Another way that a woman may get pregnant with multiples is if she goes through in vitro fertilization or IVF . This is a process that involves extracting an egg from a woman and sperm from a man and fertilizing the egg in a laboratory. The fertilized embryo or embryos are then inserted into a woman s uterus in the hopes she will become pregnant. Often, a doctor will recommend inserting two to three embryos in an IVF cycle as a means to increase the likelihood that a woman will become pregnant. Myths and Misconceptions on How To Get a Twins Pregnancy While there are a lot of methods and risk factors known to increase the likelihood that a woman will get a twins pregnancy, there are also some misconceptions regarding who is most likely to get pregnant with twins. For example, some people believe that twins will skip a generation. For example, if a person is a twin, then their grandchild is more likely to have twins than their actual child. This is a misconception. Women who have a history of twins in their families have the same likelihood for conceiving twins. Other methods that haven t been scientifically proven to help include alternative therapies. For example, aromatherapy, chiropractic treatments, or acupuncture have not been shown to help those wishing to become pregnant with twins conceive a twins pregnancy. Conclusions on How to Get a Twins Pregnancy Every day, women conceive twins with no known factors putting them at higher likelihood for having multiples. While there are some considerations a woman can make, such as using IVF to get pregnant, there are no guarantees that she will conceive twins. However, researchers do know that twin pregnancies are increasing. As a result, a woman hoping for twins is more likely to have twins if recent trends continue. References: Baby Center: Your Likelihood of Having Twins or More CNN: U.S. Twin Birth Rate Hits Record High Huggies: How to Have Twins LiveScience: Tall Women More Likely to Have Twins New Kids-Center: 8 Ways to Increase Your Chances of Having Twins WebMD: Older Women More Likely to Have Twins inspired

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