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most well known Migraines During Pregnancy If you had migraine headaches before becoming pregnant, you might experience more of these sometimes disabling headaches during pregnancy. On the other hand, you might experience fewer. The hormonal changes that go along with pregnancy can trigger more migraines or calm them, depending on your individual sensitivities. Some women even have their FIRST migraine headache during pregnancy. If you suddenly develop a migraine headache during pregnancy and you ve never had one before, check with your doctor. A headache can also be a sign of a pregnancy-related condition called pre-eclampsia that needs close monitoring and treatment. If migraines are old hat for you, it s still nice to know what to expect when you re pregnant. Unfortunately, whether you experience more or fewer headaches is hard to predict. It depends on how your body responds to the hormonal changes taking place in your body. It also depends on factors like stress and fatigue that commonly trigger migraines. Other factors that can bring on a migraine for some women include sudden changes in temperature, a drop in blood sugar, bright lights, loud noises, and certain foods. Avoiding known migraine triggers may help ward them off these headaches or reduce their frequency. If you don t know what s triggering your headaches, keep a headache journal. In your journal, write down what you eat at meals and your level of stress. Also, document any migraines you experience and how long they last. If you do this for a few weeks, you ll notice patterns such as certain foods trigger the symptoms. If you can identify them, take steps to avoid them. What should you watch out for? Some common migraine triggers, although they don t apply to everyone, include caffeine, food additives (particularly MSG and nitrates) in processed foods, artificial sweeteners, chocolate, smoked fish, and some fruits, beans, and nuts. Can You Take Something for the Pain? It s best to consult with your doctor before taking any medication for a migraine. Acetaminophen is an option, although most doctors don t recommend taking ibuprofen or aspirin. Most medications that prevent migraines are also off-limits if you re pregnant. Most of these medications are not documented to be safe during pregnancy. A mild sedative combined with acetaminophen may be appropriate for severe pain. Talk to your doctor about this. Otherwise, don t take the risk. One of the best strategies for easing the pain is to lie in a cool, dark room and practice breathing deeply. How about prevention? Ways to lower your risk of migraine headaches: Know your triggers and avoid them as much as possible. Get at least seven hours of sleep a night. Eat a balanced diet and avoid skipping meals. Stay away from processed and packaged foods as much as possible. Have a stress management strategy. This might include yoga, meditation, message, or deep breathing. Stay hydrated by drinking water throughout the day. Take a brisk walk for 30 minutes each day. Dress appropriately for the temperature outside. Try to avoid getting too hot or too cold. The Bottom Line Hopefully, you ll be one of the lucky ones who has fewer migraines during pregnancy. If not, give these strategies a try. References: American Pregnancy Association. Migraines During Pregnancy WebMD. Migraine Headaches and Pregnancy unique

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