occasion 7 energy-boosting detox tips (that don t involve juice fasting) By Dr. Sarika Arora, MD 9/14/2017 Wouldn t it be great to wake up facing the day with more vitality, increased stamina and surging energy levels? But what if your energy doesn t surge? What if you feel tired, bloated and unfocused? You should pay attention to that message because it s your body s way of telling you that it needs help eliminating energy-zapping toxins. The change of seasons is a perfect time to detox. Your body s natural detox pathways mainly the liver and lymphatic system are always removing toxins. But they work much better if you keep those systems clean and clear. A periodic detox is one of the fastest ways to experience a dramatic improvement in how you feel. Depending on your needs and goals, you can choose from these 7 ways to support natural detox in your body. 7 great natural detox tips 1. Get up and get moving. Exercise boosts your ability to detoxify by pumping up the cleansing action of the lymph system. Physical movement also rids your body of toxins and excess hormones through sweat. This includes excess stress hormones that can be at the root of so many problems, like fatigue and weight gain. 2. Soothe your skin. Because sweating is so effective for releasing toxins, it s good to keep skin in tip-top condition so this detox channel operates at maximum capacity. Soak in a warm bath to loosen dry skin, especially on your feet, legs and arms. Gently exfoliate skin with a loofah pad. For added detox power, add a tablespoon of ground ginger to your bath water. The added heat of ginger encourages your body to sweat. 3. Detox your diet. Take a break from foods that may be toxic to your body. These include sugar, alcohol, caffeine, dairy, gluten, artificial sweeteners and additives, processed food, and grilled or charbroiled meats. Give it a few weeks and see how you feel. Did your energy levels increase? Was brain fog reduced? Did your acne clear up? Temporarily eliminating any personal trigger foods gives your liver and digestive system time to rest and reset. 4. Add these detox All-Stars. Beets, microgreen sprouts, brown rice, dark green veggies, lemon, garlic, root vegetables and seeds boost your body s ability to get rid of toxics and extra weight. Drink plenty of water to stay hydrated and help flush toxins from the body. 5. Discuss cleansing herbs and supplements with your Functional Medicine practitioner. First, be sure your body gets its basic needs met by finding a good multivitamin. Then take advantage of the detox benefits of herbs like milk thistle , turmeric and dandelion to cleanse your liver and boost your natural detoxification pathways. 6. Go green with your cleaning products. Research shows that exposure to chemical toxins in common household cleaners can contribute to allergies and hormonal imbalance. Ditch conventional kitchen and bathroom cleaners in favor of all-natural vinegar and baking soda. Mix the two together in a spray bottle, and add a drop of lemon essential oil for a fresh scent. 7. Skip the juice fast. So many people think a detox has to include a juice fast. However trendy, we think prolonged juice fasts are not healthy at all. With their limited amino acids and protein, these fasts can leave your body s systems in a weakened state the exact opposite of what you want. So get outside and break a sweat with a brisk walk, eat a delicious nutrient-dense salad, scrub a few countertops, choose research-based supplements and enjoy a relaxing bath. Then enjoy the feeling of renewal and rejuvenation. large
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